Solved White screen on PanelDue 5i
How do I get my PanelDue 5i back online? Since switching from sbc mode to standalone my screen is blank white? Been working perfectly in sbc mode.
Does it display anything at power up?
Does your config.g have the command to enable paneldue?
If you connect it to USB does it display correctly?
Is the case pressing on the screen?
Did the erase button get pressed?
Try going through the USB firmware update process to see if it's still functional.
@phaedrux ive followed the guide already, ive downloaded the
Connected to DWC via USB uploaded the 5.0i file first then run M997 S4 but I says the file isn't found which is when ive tried the v3 file but that's the same. Is there a better or different method to doing this or did I misunderstand something? -
@carcamerarig What version of RRF and DWC are you currently running?
How exactly did you upload the PanelDue firmware?
Looking at the screen grabs it looks like the firmware has been placed in the /sys directory, however in RRF 3.3beta releases it expects that the firmware files are placed in the /firmware directory. This could perhaps have been caused by a version msimatch between DWC and RRF or perhaps DWC has not yet been updated to use the new location?You could try putting the SD card into a PC and manually moving the PanelDueFirmware.bin file into /firmware and trying the M997 again.
I asked if you could use the USB update process using BOSSA to flash directly.
@phaedrux said in White screen on PanelDue 5i:
I asked if you could use the USB update process using BOSSA to flash directly.
Never used BOSSA @Phaedrux sorry about that, can I use it on my Mac?
Yes there is a mac version, though depending on how recent your mac version is it may be a bit tricky. If you have a windows PC handy though it's pretty straight forward.
@gloomyandy Awesome stuff thanks, I'm on 3.3b2fw but DWC is 3.2.2, ive uploaded the files in dwc but I assume I need to send a code for it to update? the files are there in sys but its still on 3.2.2. Just struggling to see how to actually update?
When you uploaded the DWC files, did you upload it as a directory? You should be able to upload the zip file as is and then it will take care of the unzip and update process, so try uploading the DWC zip file again.
@phaedrux Im cursed...
@carcamerarig Did the upload of DWC complete? if it did and you haven't already done so, try forcing a full refresh in your browser:
@gloomyandy @Phaedrux
Sorted and PanelDue back up, thanks.I have no idea why its happened but when I upload it the file goes into the sys folder, when I send M997 S4 it reports it can't find the file in Firmware folder. Ive manually dropped it into the folder on the SD on my Mac, restarted DWC and M997 S4 job done. Why is DWC uploading to the wrong place? Again is it me?
@carcamerarig said in White screen on PanelDue 5i:
Why is DWC uploading to the wrong place? Again is it me?
I think it's just beta.
Well that and me being green behind the ears... But boy is it making it difficult, its good I'm learning I guess but then nothing seems to go as the dozuki infers just really frustrating.
Thanks for help as usual -
@carcamerarig The firmware folder is being introduced in RRF 3.3, and it's in the beta versions. There is a DWC 3.3 beta for SD card (ie standalone), but not SBC, which you can see the contents of the /firmware folder on the System page (I think you have updated to this now). If you're running DWC 3.2.2, you can't see the /firmware folder in the browser. However, you can use gcode M20:
M20 P"/firmware" GCode files: "PanelDueFirmware.bin","Duet3_SBCiap32_Mini5plus.bin","Duet3Firmware_Mini5plus.uf2"
I just tested uploading the file and the PanelDueFirmware.bin file (the first unzipped), and both uploaded to the /firmware directory. So I'm not sure why yours did not. Did you change the name before uploading?
The file was already the right name when it downloaded, the issue was it was always uploading it to the sys folder and I didn’t know why. I manually created the firmware folder and dropped the file in it, I was able to install it then. I realised afterwards I can actually change the directory in dwc from sys to firmware where the uploaded files end up. Just never knew that. Once the file was in the firmware folder it worked 1st time and I’m going to print a new case with a pin hole instead of the button if I can ever get it to stop banging and layer shifting.