Duet2 breakout board for Hobby Servo and Solenoids?
Hi Gents,
I know that some pins of the 50pin expansion port are 'immune' against EMF. Just wanted to know which pins refer to these pins on the breakout board. Servos, Relais/Solenoids, DC motors, where would you wire them? -
@o_lampe There's a lot of information on this page: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Using_servos_and_controlling_unused_IO_pins
I'm not sure any pins are immune against EMF!Ian
@droftarts said in Duet2 breakout board for Hobby Servo and Solenoids?:
There's a lot of information on this page
That's a mild understatement...
I read that article a few times before, but it doesn't mention any protected pins or where to find them on the expansion board.
Does this help? I'm really not sure what you mean be protected pins.
I know I read that most pins lead directly to the MPU but others were 30V-tolerant (like the z-probe_in pin or endstop pins?) or somehow protected with diodes. Problem is to find that particular Wiki article. Important informations are very clustered sometimes.
Maybe that wasn't a description of Duet2, but Duet3? -
I just wanted to share a solution for driving solenoids with 'any' GPIO pin. It's a breakout board with TB6612 chip, able to run 4 solenoids, 2 DC motors or one stepper. (4.5-12V DC-H-bridge/ 1.2A per bridge or 3A max.)
The chip comes with inbuilt kickback diodes and the input pins are 3.3-5V tolerant . There are also two PWM pins, but I'm not sure, if they are 'servo-pwm' capable. -
@o_lampe I am very interested in this.
I would like to connect a servo to the duet2 with an external power supply via a dc-dc stepdown.see https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/22783/servo-wiring-with-external-power-source-to-the-duet2
With an external powersupply the TB6612 wouldn't be needed. Only if you have servos for high voltage (usually 7.2V) and they would require 5V input signals. The TB6612 could drive two servos, but it's yet speculative, if they are able to drive Servo PWM. It's not mentioned anywhere.