I have a Duet 3 Mini 5+ with PanelDue, I use RRF3.2.2 and on panel due I have version 3.2.11
I would write command lines for the panel
M575 P1 S1 B576000
When the printer is turned on, the panel lights up, it shows me that the wifi connection has been made, but that's all, I can only access the setup menu
I mention that the duel panel on a printer with duet 2 wifi works
I don't know where the problem comes from
Has anyone else hit her? -
M575 P1 S1 B576000 Are you sure you have 576000 in the config or is this a typo in your post? 576000 is not a valid baud rate.
@davea I added a zero in the post but in the config it's correct
M575 P1 S1 B57600 -
@donpedro does the status in the top right corner show Connecting and never change? If so then it sounds like PanelDue is receiving data but unable to send it. If you are using the 4-wire cable, check the connection between Dout on the PanelDue and IN on the Duet IO port. The fact that PanelDue shows the popup WiFi status notification indicates that the baud rate etc. Is correct.
@dc42 I use ribbon cable and the displayed status is connected, my IP appears but that's it
I used the same panel due to a 2 wifi duet board and it works correctly there -
@donpedro can you explain what does not work in more detail?
@t3p3tony Wasn't RRF 3.2 the release where due to a bug you had to do M575 twice for the PanelDue to connect properly?
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Looks like a wiring issue.
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