Closed-Loop tuning on CL57T stepper driver
Okay ill do that and let you know how it goes. Since I had to change my home all coordinates for the Y position when the Z axis is homing, will this effect coordinates for a print? -
I don't know,
Home the printer and then use G1 to move to someplace.
Then measure the distance from the printer's origin to that location and see if it matches.
I think it should only matter if you've changed M208.
@phaedrux Okay my only concern before starting a print is before i changed my drivers, in front of the rear lead screw it was reading that Y was at 85 and now it is reading at 315 at that lead screw. Also when i look at the code for a print it has Y coordinates less than 315 which isnt on my build plate.
You should do some careful positioning testing before starting a print.
@phaedrux Okay sounds good thanks!
Okay so I've been messing around with movement on my printer and notice the distance the printer head is moving is not correct. Before my maximum for the x and y was 415, but when i would try to go to X0 Y0 it could go to Y0. So I set the maximum to 115 for both the X and Y and now it can go to X0 Y0. Why is the distance my print head is traveling reading differently now? -
I don't quite understand, I'm sorry.
If you can type in the exact GCODE commands you are typing and tell us what you expect to happen and what actually happens it will help understand what's going wrong.
My bed length and width is 415mm but after getting everything going in the right direction when I command the printer to move to X115 Y115 it will travel to what should be 415mm. -
I still don't understand because you didn't follow my instructions telling me what GCODE commands you enter.
But I'll guess (Which wastes all our time)
OK, you ask the printer to move 115mm in X and 115mm in Y and is actually moves 415, in X and 415mm in Y?
That would mean you are commanding too many steps.
Maybe change
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; configure microstepping with interpolation
M350 X4 Y4 Z16 E16 I1 ; configure microstepping with interpolation
And see if it gets closer to the right move length.