Extruder Stopped Working
@jumpedwithbothfeet thanks, Yes I have tried a new motor and wires. No response at all. Nothing obvious on the board. Very strange.
@oranzirf did you try moving the extruder to driver 4 temporary . You will need to update this line in your config,:
M584 X0.0 Y0.1 Z0.2 E0.4 ; set drive mapping
Strangely I don't see an error reported by driver 0.3 in the M122 report.
@T3P3Tony Thanks, I did try moving to driver 4 with same result. That is why I tried a new stepper and wires. Seems like drivers 3 and 4 have issue but 0, 1 and two are fine. I just took the board out and do not see any obvious problems. Very strange, it has been working great. In fact, just bought another board for another printer.
Just for the sake of completeness, can you switch over to a driver that is otherwise working on another axis and use that for the extruder? If it works there then we know it's not an issue with wiring or configuration or hotend. Getting the hotend to temp and extruding is enough to test.
@Phaedrux Thank you, I remapped to driver 2 and the extruded worked. While I was at it, I remapped the Z axis to the non working driver 3. The Z motor does not work. It looks like drivers 3 and 4 have problems.
Thanks for verifying. When and where did you purchase your Duet?
@Phaedrux Filastruder, Order #89866 , December 2022. Thank you for your help.
@Phaedrux More detail on order.
ORDER #89866Order summary
PanelDue 7iנ1
With 4 pin 1 meter cable $119.99
Duet 3 Mini 5+נ1 Wifi $144.99If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at support@filastruder.com
Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.