@PrintMan that is correct their server solution is open source. You can find more information here.
undefined StanRyab referenced this topic
HI, I am trying to get Obico started, but I am having trouble with the codes on the github page.
When I copy/paste the code into powershell, then I get the message as on the screenshot.
The first image is when I put the main code in. The second is what happened when I tried to put the error code in.
would anyone know what is going on?
Thanks -
@Lachlan you need to install git
Also it is worth mentioning that this repo was officially moved to -
@Sindarius I have installed git, and used the new code, Obico appears to be installed, but I am not getting any of the prompts to fill in the printer information. IE (ip address, port type etc.) Do I need to put in another command after installation to put in the codes?
@Lachlan Normally doing the ./ in the plugin should be enough to get the install going and you should get prompts that walk you through installation.
These are the files that are currently installed on my computer.
would I be able to upload any of these to DWC? -
@Sindarius This is what I get when I installed it
@Lachlan This is something that would normally be installed on a Raspberry Pi using SBC Mode and not necessarily on your desktop. This is not a DWC plugin because it is running python scripts and installing services.
@Sindarius Ok, we have ordered a Raspberry. Do I link the camera to the raspberry or to the computer?