Wifi camera
I found this list of snapshot URLs that may help identify suitable cameras: http://mobiwatcher.com/help/ipCameraSnapshotUrl.html
I believe a Raspberry Pi with the Pi camera can be used with the Duet Web Control (while still doing something else also): https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-webcam-server/
I believe a Raspberry Pi with the Pi camera can be used with the Duet Web Control (while still doing something else also): https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-webcam-server/
I couldn't get motion to work on my Pi - I ended up using RPi-Cam (http://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface)
I've not integrated it with Duet Web Control (Yet?!)
I found a simple way of getting a web cam for using in the DWC: Raspberry Pi, any model that can run OctoPrint. It's already setup up to be able to use a web cam or raspi cam, once it's enabled. Using the current version, OctoPrint's setting page gives you what's needed. Get the snapshot url and copy it to DWC with it edited to use octopi.local or the pi's ip address instead of the local home address.
I use this cheap network camera ($20.00)
And created the info in this post to make it work great in Duet Web Control.
IP Webcam on an old Android device works. Picked up a phone with a cracked screen for $5.
I use this cheap network camera ($20.00)
And created the info in this post to make it work great in Duet Web Control.
Grrr, doesn't ship to Australia
I am using Playstation Eye (ps3 camera) with OctoPi. I had an extra one, but new ones are very cheap currently.
Also if you use http://www.ispyconnect.com you can use the streams from that:{CAMERAID}&full
I couldn't get motion to work on my Pi - I ended up using RPi-Cam (http://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface)
I've not integrated it with Duet Web Control (Yet?!)
I have integrated it, just follow the installation instructions as normal, I changed the default port from 80 to 4123, as 80 was already in use on my pi. The url to add to DWC is then as follows
Did I see it right, that ur connecting the Webcam with ur WiFi seperat? There are no way to connect the Webcam direct with the duet wifi?
I couldn't get motion to work on my Pi - I ended up using RPi-Cam (http://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface)
I've not integrated it with Duet Web Control (Yet?!)
I have integrated it, just follow the installation instructions as normal, I changed the default port from 80 to 4123, as 80 was already in use on my pi. The url to add to DWC is then as follows
Thanks, just integrated
Did I see it right, that ur connecting the Webcam with ur WiFi seperat? There are no way to connect the Webcam direct with the duet wifi?
That's right, you can't connect a camera directly to the Duet WiFi.