@mfs12 Thank everyone for the support, at the end was a firmware issue. I was using the panel due firmware for the V2 version, but my panel is V3. Not it is ok. Thanks again

Best posts made by spirit.robotics
RE: PanelDue does not connect to Duet2
Latest posts made by spirit.robotics
RE: 1 Bed 2 bed heaters. How to control both with a single M190?
@percar hi, just an idea. I planned do something simmilar but I will try to put the second heater as chamber header and then force but code that both, bed and chamber get the same temp
Someone installed BuildBee with RaspBerry and Duet3?
I was thinking in use BuildBee to manage my 3d printer, with Duet2ethernet sound easy ( https://buildbee.com/setup ), just connect with network cable the Duet and the RaspBerry.
But with Duet3 I would like to use the native communication build between two boardsIn this case maybe is better use a linux distro over the raspberry and make a build for the buildbee software.
Any comments very wellcome
RE: electromagnet for tool dock
@spirit-robotics Hi everyone, weekend was busys, but today I find the time to test. It's work now the electromagnet into the PWM fans. Thanks to all
RE: electromagnet for tool dock
@spirit-robotics Hi dc42, please let me know your comments. Best
RE: electromagnet for tool dock
@gruna-studio Thanks, sure if you like, I already have my design, I want to hold a small iron plate attached to the tool with the electromagnet, no moving parts.
Im only double check how operate the electromagnet without burn again my board.
RE: Help to recover burned DuetWifi, it is posible
@alankilian thanks, I will check and return
RE: electromagnet for tool dock
@dc42 this is a test from my power supply, just to check.
I want to connect the electromagnet to a pwm fan pins at 5V, from the reading I understand that it will work because the board have the flyback diode and the current is small.
My idea is hold with the electromagnet my tool, I already tested the electromagnet with the DC power supply and the current is only 0.09 ampers, but still have enough force to hold the tool without getting hot the electromagnet.
Please let me know your recommendations.
RE: electromagnet for tool dock
@rjenkinsgb Today I connect the board by USB and work fine, and connect a 5V FAN in the always ON fan and the fan work well.
However Im little worried if I try to connect the electromagnet, maybe the reason of the shortcut is different...
Just to understand, confirm ... in a board V1.04 I have the flyback diodes in place with the fans, so, in theory if I connect to the PWM Fan pin a small electromagent should be work?
The Electromagent, rated for 12V 0.2amps, but connected to the 5V pwn fan pin only need 0.09 amps ... could be work?
RE: electromagnet for tool dock
@dc42 My Duet are the lasted version v 1.04.
Output M115:
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.3 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2021-06-15 21:45:03
About the diodes, they are always active? I supposed it is. In anycase how could be the circuit to put the diode? Thanks
RE: Help to recover burned DuetWifi, it is posible
@alankilian Good idea, I will to check the voltajes.
What should be expected with the pin EXT IN in place? without the pin in place what should be expected?