@Sgt-G-294 Can't hurt to reflash. Now, it should be mentioned that I performed the incremental upgrade as noted which might be the issue here if you overlooked it.
Posts made by bLiTzJoN
RE: DWC no longer connects to my laptop
RE: DWC no longer connects to my laptop
Perhaps you need to reset the saved wifi profiles on the printer.
In my config.g, I have the following:
; Network M552 S1 ; enable network M586 P0 S1 ; enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; disable Telnet
I created the following macro files:
Wifi - Clear All (clears all saved profiles from memory)
M588 S"*" G4 P1000 M587
Wifi - Set (creates a profile entry in memory)
M552 S0 G4 P5000 M587 S"myssid" P"mywifipassword" G4 P1000 M587 M552 S1
Wifi - Cycle (when I'm having connectivity issues, I can cycle the wifi and reconnect)
M552 S0 G4 P5000 M587 M552 S1
RE: BOSSA Program Port in Windows 10 to flash PD
Happy to report that I was able to flash all six PanelDues (four V2s & two V3s), and I'll accept user error. Let me explain what I did as I know others will likely fall into the same trap I did. I installed BOSSA like normal which includes the baked-in CDC driver. The port doesn't show up in Device Manager just yet. Plug in the PanelDue and the BOSSA Driver still doesn't show up yet. The instructions say to press the erase button. Well, I hadn't held the button long enough apparently. Windows will eventually detect and then you will see the BOSSA driver appear in the device manager. I may have figured this out sooner had I left the PanelDue plugged into the screen, but since I'm using a 7" screen, I was concerned about power - there was nothing wrong with having it plugged in, and it went black as it states in the instructions. Now to plug back into the printers and see the fruits of my
laborsuffering. -
RE: BOSSA Program Port in Windows 10 to flash PD
I have four PanelDue v2's. I'd like to still use them, but maybe I have to bite the bullet and upgrade them to v3's. I'm going to attempt upgrading through a Linux box and see if I can get anywhere with them. If that doesn't work, then maybe I'll try to put together a Win 7 box. I do wonder why the latest RRF broke the macro execution to start with. I could revert the four Duet boards firmware to a working version with the current firmware on the v2 PanelDues.
BOSSA Program Port in Windows 10 to flash PD
Time for normal maintenance of the machines with firmware, heatbreaks, fans, etc..., and I've noticed the macros don't work with the latest Duet firmware, so I thought maybe I should go through and update the firmware on the PDs. I have a mix of v2 and v3, no i's. I've since upgraded my PC and installed the latest BOSSA 1.9.1. CDC driver prompted for install; unfortunately, I don't see it in the Device Manager. I've tried the unsigned driver enable method, manual method - I've even tried 2 additional PCs to no avail on getting the BOSSA Program Port to start (Code 10). Anyone else run into this issue and resolve it?
RE: Microstep Settings for High Resolution Stepper Motors
I lowered my homing speed from 1800 to 1200 and that seemed to quiet down considerably. Perhaps some speed values cause some harmonics.
Microstep Settings for High Resolution Stepper Motors
I picked up some .45 deg steppers for a delta printer upgrade. All seems to be fine keeping at 1/16 with interpolation enabled:
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1; M92 X320.00 Y320.00 Z320.00 E410.00;
I'm wondering if I should consider changing my settings, or even disabling interpolation given the resolution. Thoughts? They are a bit noisy when homing. I'm still calibrating and haven't tried printing anything yet.
RE: Precision Piezo Orion: Errors when probing
So, my issue was the top mount I designed was too rigid causing noise. I've since modified the design and have it working on two of my machines now. Here's the writeup: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3192818
RE: Precision Piezo Orion: Errors when probing
@peirof, what machine are you using?
RE: Precision Piezo Orion: Errors when probing
@moriquendi I started with 2.02RC3, downgraded to 2.01 and then returned back to 2.02RC3 as it didn't seem to matter.
RE: Precision Piezo Orion: Errors when probing
This is a new install.
I've messed with the settings for several hours and the best I can come up with is using the following settings:
M558 P5 I1 R1 F380 X0 Y0 Z0 H2 ;
G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.05 P100 ;
Unfortunately, the reading is very inconsistent and on some points will either not move or slams into the bed. I have a video but can't post it (spam). -
RE: Precision Piezo Orion: Errors when probing
To make sure it wasn't the Orion board, I swapped it out with another and still experience the same results.
Precision Piezo Orion: Errors when probing
Using 2.02RC3 (and 2.01) on a DuetWifi equipped Delta; I can't get a reading when I auto-calib - every point errors and I can see the effector flexing. It's wired to the zprobe connector. I adjusted the sensitivity accordingly. Set the right z-height (using a manual method). When I tap the hotend I can see the P0 turn to P1000 which to me means it's registering on the board, but not sure why it's not seeing the tap when it probes. In the config.g I have the following:
M558 P8 I1 H2 A2 R0.6 F300 T6000
G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 P100 -
RE: Unretraction issues
I do not have that checked and, you're right, it does not use G10/G11.
RE: Unretraction issues
I'm using S3D, so I'll have to research what is really happening. I don't believe it is using firmware retraction because I can adjust it in S3D and impact the output. If I lower the retraction to nothing or close to nothing but it does ok. I'm almost finished putting together my 3rd Tevo LM and will start with the E3D stepper that way I will have a printer with all 3 options (Amazon, Stock & E3D) to play with.
RE: Unretraction issues
Here's info on the E3D stepper. To clarify, I'm comparing 2 printers. I have one Tevo Little Monster equipped with an Amazon stepper and another with the E3D stepper. The biggest difference between the two is the steps, the E3D is double the resolution which is why I had to double the value for M92. I need to confirm this, but the behavior feels like if I have my retract set to 4mm it will retract 4mm but only unretract 2mm when resuming. Is there another config value I have to double due to the resolution? The original stepper is 1.8, the Amazon stepper is 1.8, and they work fine.
RE: Unretraction issues
It's 24V and the only thing I changed was the M92 line in the config.g when calibrating the extrusion length before operating. I did try increasing the amperage from 1 (the Amazon pancake is rated at one, so I lowered from the default of 1.8) to 1.4 since it was a bit bigger of a stepper. It didn't make any difference, so I set it back to 1. Before I started digging any further and making a mess of my configurations, I hit the forums.
Unretraction issues
I'm on my 2nd conversion of a Tevo Little Monster and having an issue with retraction; well, actually unretracting. The only difference in components from my first is using an E3D 13N-CM instead of a no-name pancake off Amazon. That in mind, after calibrating the extrusion lengths I doubled my M92 E value (which makes sense since the E3D are .9 whereas the others are 1.8 steps):
Tevo 1: M92 X160 Y160 Z160 E860
Tevo 2: M92 X160 Y160 Z160 E1720The retraction is fine from what I can tell (not sure how to really measure it, I just see the hob gear turning in reverse for a short stint and no stringing), but when it hops to the next line it doesn't really unretract and starts to print … nothing ... for a few mm until it's primed again. This is really bizarre. I'm not really sure what to do. For the time being, I've put the stock Tevo stepper back on (E value of 880 btw), no change to the retraction settings, and it's printing fine. I thought it might be a faulty stepper that pukes on load so I tried another (I picked up 3 for the 3 printers I'm putting together) and still same results. Is there some black euro magic I need to perform to get these to work right?! I'm tempted to just purchase 3 more Amazon pancakes.
RE: Strange looking colors
That was it! I didn't flash it when I received it, so the default firmware obviously isn't for a 7" even tho I purchased them together as a set. I would like to flash it to 1.17, but Eclipse won't run due to Java conflicts (Why I chose to dev in .Net. lol), so I had to go with 1.16.
Strange looking colors
Hmmm.. what to do, before I do. Checked wiring, checked connections, and everything is working. It's always been this way since day one and since it's working I didn't question it. I was updating firmware on the Duet and thought I'd check PanelDue while I was at it. I happen to notice the screenshots on the homepage look nothing like mine (never seen the screen quite frankly to know the difference until now); before I start messing around, I figured I'd ask.