Re: [Mesh Calibration Issues (Duet Maestro 1.0](FW 2.02)
I finally got some time in my life to go back and continue working on my HyperCube. I designed a new x-carriage/extruder mount combo block that I'm quite happy with, and am now trying to get my printer to finally work. In the post I reference above, I got realllllllly close prior to the x-carriage breaking and wiping out a lot of my progress.
Current problem
Between X20Y20 and X20Y200, I can lay down a straight line of PLA essentially without issue. Anywhere else on my print bed, and I get no adhesion.
Current Equipment
- Bowden-type hot end
- BLTouch
- Mirror glass print bed
- Lots of AquaNet!
The question
Is there some way to ensure I have mesh leveling operating correctly? It seems very odd that I am unable to get anything to adhere to glass with as flat a surface as the one attached.

I'm not even getting scraping, the bed seems too far from the head, but not everywhere, leading me to think mesh compensation isn't working.
config.g zprobe section
; Z-Probe
M574 Z1 S2 ; Set endstops controlled by probe
M558 P9 H1.5 F360 T9000 ;A5 B1 ; Set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds
G31 P500 X10 Y-25.3 Z0.40 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X20:320 Y20:320 P8 ; Define hi-res mesh grid
Open to thoughts, please!