I saw this post, and I'll throw in my 2c. I implemented a Z traveling tower on my delta – (my delta runs smoothieware) -- with my own code to control the independent axis for Z -- it's original purpose was to be a place where the effector would go to wipe during color changes. I have a silicone sponge there, and in general it worked for the volcano chimera setup, on each tool change the effector would go to the wiper, do temperature change -- cool off the inactive tool and heat up the active tool, and then wipe over the silicone pad. However I ran into an issue which is inherent to chimera style setups -- the inactive head would hit the printed part and cause a layer shift. So basically unless you can get the 2nd nozzle out of the way somehow, there is no way to make this system work. I've since switched to developing my quad idex, which is nearly finished -- doing a true first 4 color print -- a 4 color benchy. But going back to the delta. I wanted to still print multi color on the delta being that I have 2 bondech QR extruders, a flying extruder on rubber bands is out of the question, so I wanted to use the extra tower I have to mount my dual bondechs, and use the distech automation multi material heat break for color changes. I'd be able to shorten my currently 1.2m bowden tubes going into Y coupler ( I ditched the chimera in favor of a single volcano) -- so after brainstorming for a few months this summer, I came up with an idea to implement this "extruder platform" -- but it would not be using the printer firmware -- for 2 simple reasons, the printer doesn't always know where the effector is. It needs to home, and homing the 4th point which is attached to the effector is a recipe for disaster. So my idea involves essentially running the platform stepper using an arduino pro mini (or regular arduino, doesn't matter) and a hall effect sensor to keep track of the distance between the platform and the effector -- there will be a rigid carbon fiber rod going to the effector from the platform, fairly short -- around 100-200mm, basically the length of the bowden tube with the Y coupler and it would be moved by the stepper as the hall effect sensor indicates -- I may need 2, either way the platform must maintain a certain distance from the effector, having it done in printer firmware would be impossible without the additional sensors.
This sounds unduly complicated. You see, smoothie doesn't have a DC42 to help come up with the easiest way to implement his customers ideas 
Of course the printer knows where the effector is, otherwise the G-code wouldn't mean anything. G1 Z+1 works exactly because the firmware knows where that is lol. Nonetheless, DCs idea will work out fine, I'm confident! Homing shouldn't be a problem, if it needs to be done at all. Even without a homing switch just push the thing where you want it relative to the effector and hit it with a G92. This would work better if we could use the actual effector Z height instead of a 4th axis rod solution, but it'll still get it close enough, doesn't need to be that precise.
Which is another question for you David. would it be possible to average all 3 existing towers? That plus or minus some offset should get us close to the height of the effector!