@dc42 Thank you!

Posts made by dmpmassive
Accelerometer Config Error
I'm trying to get an LIS3DSH working on a Duet2 WiFi. I have this in my config.g: M955 P0 C"spi.cs4+spi.cs3"
On trying to execute the sample from the wiki: G1 X-50 G4 S2 M956 P124.0 S1000 A0 G4 P10 G1 X50 F20000
I get this error: M956: Board address of driver must be 0
Any help would be appreciated!
RE: What is the state of accelerometer support and input shaping?
@t3p3tony Hi There, would you mind checking my work too? I'm connecting an LIS3DSH to a Duet 2 WiFi
I think I've got it right for use with the Gcode provided in the Dozuki: M955 P0 C"spi.cs4+spi.cs3"
Object Model & Endstop Switches
Wondering if it's possible to check the state of an endstop switch in the object model? Not whether an axis is homed, rather the specific state of the switch regardless of homed?
David -
RE: Duet Web Control 2.0.0-RC6
@chrishamm Any chance you could duplicate the Compensation & Calibration button/menu onto the Height Map tab? I find myself flipping back and forth between the two. Just a thought.
RE: Second time I've lost a print due to resume.
Devil's Advocate here, but have you considered improving the part cooling so it doesn't thermally tank the hot end when it kicks in?
I used to have this problem but as soon as I improved my means of directing airflow and used a silicon heater cover I could switch two 5015s on and off full power without causing a fault.
RE: Precision Piezo Orion inconsistent readings on Cartesian-XZ
@armageddon528 babystepping? Laziness and force of habit... TBH I'm just really used to doing it that way. I have my babystepping increments set to 0.02mm and I do actually use Z-Probe offset as well, I just can't help but tweak things a little bit anyway... But yes, I'm also confident I could ignore babystepping and get great prints.
RE: shorted board unable to connect via usb.
@elmoret Such good support. I'm buying from you guys for my next one. I had the same type of issue with my first one and got nowhere with my country's reseller.
RE: Precision Piezo Orion inconsistent readings on Cartesian-XZ
Not sure I my experiences will be of much help to you, but I use an Orion on my CR-10S S4. I designed the mount myself, it's similar/remixed from to a popular one on Thingiverse. Mine however is magnetically attached for quick changes. The Piezo probe was really fussy to get setup... But once I got it working it's been extremely accurate and reliable for me. Note my F850, I needed to come in pretty fast for best results. The most frustrating part for me was getting the preload/stress on the Orion PCB just right.
I probe with everything hot. I refine my first layer with babystepping.
Here is my config code:
; Endstops
M574 X1 Y1 S1
M574 Z1 S2 ; Set endstops controlled by probe (Z-endstop is Z-probe)
; Z-Probe
M558 P8 I1 H2 R0.5 F850 T6000. ; Set Z probe type to switch and the dive height + speeds
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X0:390 Y0:370 S20 ; Define mesh grid