I wander what mhallett's experiences were with the 2HSS57 drivers. I take it, he had a similar setup at some stage. I have a pair of closed loop 2HSS57 drivers and steppers. It will be a shame if they will not work for me….

Posts made by ect2
RE: External Drives and Layer Shifting
RE: 12v fans again.
I agree that perhaps some of the documentation should be a little more accessible. But being an expensive high end board it isn't really marketed at the less experienced, and I would guess fewer people who are less experienced buy one.
Duet targets the DIY crowd. That means everyone who chooses to buy it. Being an expensive, high end board it should have better documentation. DC42 does a great job fixing bugs and developing new features. What is lagging behind is user manual. There have been several comments made on this forum about the WIKI side of things but nothing that I can see has been done to address them. Is it just too hard?
RE: 12v fans again.
..the buck converter output doesn't need to go anywhere, the ground is tied in the buck converter between input and output.
The information I wanted to have. If an output doesn't need to go anywhere, then have it annotated on a diagram, a note exactly like the one above, but do not leave any blanks. Avoid ambiguity, especially where electricity is concerned. No broken hardware, no additional cost and inconvenience. Everyone is happy.
Fans are different. They are the most important bits of kit for safety reasons. Given the choice of voltages, numbers of wires etc a better support for fans in hardware and/or documentation is important. It becomes a selling point as well.
RE: 12v fans again.
Sure, but your diagram does not specify the details of the connection for negative buck converter terminal. It looks looks like an open circuit. Simon, I don't really have a great problem with any of this. All I'm saying here is that a graphical information such as complete diagrams or annotated pictures do not leave room for any interpretations, because interpretations are those nebulous things that can cause a lot of smoke. The inconvenience and upset will be just as great regardless whether the board was $20 or $160. Costs are relative. Duet is sold as a mainstream board, and as such it should offer instructions for all types of customers.
RE: 12v fans again.
The negative side of the 12V PSU output will need to be connected to the negative VIN terminal.
Which VIN? The green connector on the side of the board? Is there any chance of damaging the board if the fans are not hooked up properly? Can we have a diagram which shows all connections, without the "OK, I think I know how to do it". This board is way too expensive to screw around with it.
RE: 12v fans again.
Dc42, how about a simple diagram that illustrates the solution without any ambiguity? You could also put it into the user guide/quick start guide. It will save you time in the long term, having to answer the same basic questions over and over again. Not everyone is electronics-savvy. I know I am not.
Loud power supply
My new power supply emits loud whining noise.
This is a S-1000-36, 27A supply. Is this normal? My 24V PSU is not so loud.
RE: Suitable webcams for displaying progress in the webui?
This one is probably more suitable:
What focal length do you use for sharpest image?
RE: Suitable webcams for displaying progress in the webui?
Mike, how do you hook up and configure the ELP 1280? This is exactly what I've been looking for as I do not want to use WiFi.
RE: Solved CPLD Screens (Use off)
So is this CPLD build available to download? I can't seem to find it.
RE: Yet another external driver question
Hi mhalett, have you tried to make any internal parameter adjustments with the HISU unit? It is going to be a while before I can experiment myself as nearly all of my stuff will be coming from China and the DUET from the UK, of course.
I'm still waiting…The manual for the 2HSS57 claims that they are "smooth and reliable moving at low speed".
RE: Filtered b-spline algorithm to increase speed of printing
LOL, a great review. Shame we can't have it.
Filtered b-spline algorithm to increase speed of printing
I've just come across this article:
Just wandering if this technique could be implemented with Duet firmware.
RE: Endstops not stopping external drivers on the expansion header
So is it just a faulty board or other people have similar problems with endstops when using expansion breakout board?
RE: Yet another external driver question
David, thank you for your instruction.
Hi mhallett, my printer does not exist yet. My Duet will arrive sometime in January. I will share my endstop experiences with you -
RE: Yet another external driver question
OK, So if I need this resistor, can I use the spare PWM pins on the expansion board: ALM - to GND and 3~5K resistor between 5V+ on the expansion board and the ALM+ terminal on the driver?