@t3p3tony thanks Tony! This seems to be what's happening I'll try it and report back!

Posts made by gz
RE: All drivers stop working after desoldering driver 4
All drivers stop working after desoldering driver 4
hello everyone !
i have 2 duet boards one on a delta and one on a certesian, driver 3 blew on the cartesian, i tried taking unused driver 4 from the delta board and all went well desoldering no shorts etc, but unfortunatly now driver 4 reports short to ground/over temp, and even when i disabling driver 4 with m569 p4 r-1 but that only stops the short/overtemp message, still unable to move with the board saying motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s) 0 1 2 of course i checked the cables with no issues, sooo do i need to solder driver 4 back where it was ? can't the duet function with only 4 drivers ? does it need to be soldered because it's powering the other 4 drivers ? thanks ! -
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi/ethernet conversion
@veti thanks a lot ! i saw another post from someone who did it but i didn't see this one thanks !
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi/ethernet conversion
@phaedrux thank you very much for your reply ! i thought as much but wanted to make sure there is no firmware changes involved ! thanks !
Duet 2 Wi-Fi/ethernet conversion
Hello everyone!
I'm going to replace the wifi module on my duet 2 with an ethernet module I'm using it on a CNC running the cnc version of DWC, since the board is in an industrial electric box that's made from steel I always have to keep it open and facing up to get a decent enough connection for it to be usable and also interference from everything else in the box must not help. I don't have any trouble with soldering as i've done way harder before, but I'm not sure what to do after that, do I have to flash another firmware that's for the ethernet on my duet or do I just change the wifi connection commands and is there anything else I need to change or flash? Thanks a bunch! -
CNC grounded 3Kw spindle probe
Hello everyone! i have been using the duet2 wifi for 2 years now on my delta and it works amazing never had any issues, you've done an amazing job both hardware and software wise, i have another laying around so i decided to try and use it for my home built cnc and probably upgrading to duet3 after, the problem is i'm afraid of burning something because i'd like to use a touch probe on my spindle but it is grounded, i'm afraid that by connecting the clip to the endmill it might hurt something on the duet since i'd be connecting the z_probe, 3.3v or GND pin to earth, can you advise on how i should proceed wiring wise ? do i connect the duet ground to the spindle so to earth, or the z_probe in or ..?
thanks a lot ! -
RE: Duet 2 wifi auto detect smart effector
thanks for the quick reply ! that's a great idea because it would also work for the super volcano, do you have any idea how i can implement that, for the conditional part ?
may i ask what do you mean by object mode ? thanks ! -
Duet 2 wifi auto detect smart effector
Hello everyone, i have a quick question, i have two smart effectors one with a v6 and one with a volcano i frequently switch between them, and as you would guess the pid tune differ between the two the v6 tunes cannot hold the tempreture on a volcano so i created two macros one for each tunes, now i was thinking about finding a way on startup or with a macro that can be automatically called at different times before a print or before auto leveling to detect which one of the smart effectors is installed, i have a couple ideas for that and was hoping to have some input to know if they are possible and some help integrating them if they are, now if each smart effector has a different address or id that the duet can read it might be as easy as an "if else statement" (if that is at all possible) and according to the address call the macro with correct tune results. if not maybe a switch or magnetic switch that would only activate on one of the smart effectors and again apply the values, any help would be appreciated as to if this is possible and how.
Thanks a bunch and thank you again for all your work on the duet systems! -
RE: Closed loop duet.
Thanks a lot for all your answers it's much clearer now, guess i'll just add beefier steppers ... the only reason i wanted a closed loop system is because i thought that having a closed loop would give me better repeat-ability any advice on how to improve that ?
RE: Closed loop duet.
@dc42 said in Closed loop duet.:
et Ethernet and WiFi configure and monitor the TMC2660 drivers via SPI and use the step and direction inputs to perform movement. Likewise the Maestro uses the UART interface to co
thanks a lot for the info and quick response ! may i ask what do you mean by saying that the built in ramp generator is not suited for 3d printing ? so the duet2 is not using the built in ramp generator on the tmc2660 (if there is one) ?
i'm pretty sure you know better but the tmc2160 doesn't seem to have encoder input.
i'm very excited about the duet 3 i'm pretty sure i'll pick one up soon !
with all that being said do you think a closed loop can still be integrated on the duet 2 with the before mentioned tmc5160 and steppers in external driver mode ? or would it just be a waste of money, effort and time ? thanks again -
RE: Closed loop duet.
i'm closing the loop at motors so the duet only gives the command to move to the external driver and they manage the loop, can i connect the new tmc5160 to the duet spi and configure them from there ? or would it be easier to connect the to an arduino to configure them ? and to they save the settings or do they have to be configured every time they're turned on ? thanks !
Closed loop duet.
Hello everyone ! I've read a lot of posts about closed loop duet on here and i think i might be ready to take this route, i have a couple of technical questions.
- is the duet using uart to talk to the on-board tmcs or is it only step/dir ?
- can i use a tmc5160 breakout board like the one from bigtechtree as an external driver ?
- will this stepper encoder already integrated on the stepper work with before mentioned driver ? since it has 4 encoder wires but the stepper encoder has 4 two positives and two negatives can i jump the negatives together ?
driver link : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32958721863.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.27.b8ad1ad4fl1CZF&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.13338.128125.0&scm_id=1007.13338.128125.0&scm-url=1007.13338.128125.0&pvid=ed811afe-951f-4237-b275-e9f85519f8f0
stepper link : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4000261255937.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.2fdc3c00ZA5OoU&mp=1
Thanks a bunch !
RE: Smart effector auto zero calibration.
sorry for taking so long to answer, i've been hard at work. thanks a lot for the answer i will take the frame and mechanics flexibility into account !
Smart effector auto zero calibration.
Hello, i might have a stupid question but i was wondering why can't i just use the smart effector to automatically "jog" to touch the build plate go up the thickness of a piece of paper and automatically set that as 0 with G92 Z0, so basically automatic delta calibration instead of doing it by hand like described here : https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Calibrating_a_delta_printer i'd just use the macro and smart effector to :
1- home
2-disable mesh and all compensation
3-M208 S1 Z-3 to temporarily allow Z moves down to Z=-3mm
4-go down to z = 30
5-Send G30 S-1 to probe the bed without resetting the Z=0 position
6-go up the thickness of an a4 piece of paper
7-G92 Z0
9- define and start auto mesh bed leveling.
i know this might be stupid but it seems to be working in my macro, i appreciate any insight, thanks ! -
RE: Smarteffector blinking a lot, fast.
if i remember correctly the outer box was damaged a bit but the inner blue and white one seemed ok that why i was thinking that it could be the heat sink that hit the effector. thanks a lot for your help !
RE: Smarteffector blinking a lot, fast.
thanks a lot for the quick response, yes i found where it has been damaged i think it's the v6 heatsink that hit it during shipping because i think all units are testedduring production, i did approach them but they said that the smarteffector is re-sold by them but made by duet3d so i have to verify that duet3d will accept the replacement under warranty... i don't know if i should try to resolder it yet since it would void said warranty... thanks again for the info !!
Smarteffector blinking a lot, fast.
Hello, I ordered a smart effector from e3d a couple of month back and just got around to trying to powering it up as I was waiting for the linear rails to arrive, the good news is that it turns on but the bad news is that the led keeps blinking about 5 or 7 times every couple of seconds, at first I thought this meant that I had to configure it, but then I saw a couple of posts on this forum and saw that this is a strain gauge problem so I checked both sides and there it was a scuff on of the sides. And now that I actually took a closer look at it, it seems to have a couple of marks from what I think is the v6 heats ink hitting it, but most of them missed the strain gauge, I suppose i can't solder the trace, do you have any ideas or maybe another maybe simpler explanation to the flashy led? Thanks!