@alex-cr That was the problem... Thank you

Posts made by Iamturbo1978
RE: "Echo" Meta command help
"Echo" Meta command help
Hello all,
I'm trying to setup an enraged rabbit, and I'm working through Perry's Enraged Rabbit On RRF setup EnragedRabbitOnRRF
I have been converting it from Duet3 to my Duet2WiFi. But I am getting stuck at the "echo" command. After a few hours trying to figure it out, I still cant figure out what is going on.
I then tried a simple echo command
echo >"mymacro.g" "G1 F3000 X"^10
This command should create a file named "mymacro" and place "G1 F3000 X10" into it... When I input it into the console, I get an error (same error from before)
Could someone please help me out, and tell me what I am missing?
Machine information:
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi)
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.4.0beta1 (2021-07-10)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.25 -
RE: Manual bed level setup - I have to be missing something
@garyd9 See... I knew I was missing something.
Thank you so much, that is what I was missing, and it totally worked.
Manual bed level setup - I have to be missing something
Hello everyone,
I really think I am missing something.
I'm trying to setup a 4 point manual bed leveling, but I keep getting an error. I've checked, and checked, and checked, and checked, both the config and the bed files. I can't for the life of me figure out what is going on.
Could someone please take a look, and tell me what I am missing?
The error I am getting;
G32 Error: Number of calibration factors (3) not equal to number of leadscrews (4)
My config;
M671 X67:217:67:217 Y0:0:287:287 P0.8
Bed file;
G28 ; home G30 P0 X67 Y0 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw G30 P1 X217 Y0 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw G30 P2 X67 Y287 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw G30 P3 X217 Y287 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near an adjusting screw and report adjustments needed
RE: changing bed temp rate of change
@Phaedrux wonderful. I will give that a try. I couldn't use PID tuning for my last setup, that is why I didn't even consider tuning it. Thank you for the help.
changing bed temp rate of change
Hello all,
I just got my Duet2 WiFi, loaded with RRF 3.2
Everything is going great except my print bed faults out because it is taking to long to heat up because I have a very thick print bed (9mm thick, MIC6, freebee).
Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising much more slowly than the expected 1.8°C/sec
I didnt have this kind if problem with RRF 2.0
I did try
M570 H0 P30 T15
just to see what would happen. Same thing happened in the same amount of time.I need to find a way to change the temperature rate of change to a lower value.
Ive reviewed over all the Gcodes, and I couldnt find anything (I could have missed it).
Could someone please point me on how I can change the 1.8c/sec rate of change?
Thank you for any support you can offer.
RE: Duet2 WiFi + SBC question
@Phaedrux this is great information. Thank you.
Duet2 WiFi + SBC question
Hello all,
I've been running on a Duet2 (v1.03) board for a while. Today I had something happen, the main connector burned (my fault, I didn't check if the screws were tight).
So I'm replacing it with a new Duet (v1.04c) board. I'm also taking the plunge to software version 3.2
I was looking through the release notes, and I noticed that I can hook a SBC to it.
I was wondering what are the benefits of hooking a SBC to the Duet2? Is there any documentation about the features? Any documents explaining the setup? Etc..
I also noticed that 12864 displays are now supported. Is there any documentation about setup and use?
I found the information about the display.
Thank you for any information you can provide.
RE: Extending EPS-12S
@jens55 said in Extending EPS-12S:
Just as an FYI, I think Duet sells the module (they sell duets as both internal as well as external antennas)
I could not find just the module on the Duet3D website, but I was able to get the part number off of the pictures. Digikey offers the module.
I'll just de-solder the module, and install the external module. I like this idea so much better then trying to extend the module.
Thank you
RE: Extending EPS-12S
@jens55 said in Extending EPS-12S:
Get a wifi module with an external antenna.
That is a great idea. I will check into that
Extending EPS-12S
Hello all,
I just bought my 2nd Duet WiFi board. The printer it is going into is a knockoff MakerBot replicator. The whole frame is steel, and the cavity the board will be in is steel. I would rather not cut any of the panels to bring the WiFi module outside of the steel cage.
So I would like to extend the EPS-12S module to a better location.
Is there any advice someone could offer, before I make the changes?
Thanks in advance
RE: Cant change from V3.0 to V2.05. Missing file
@Phaedrux thanks again. It is strange that GitHub's search did not bring it up. I tried it both with, and with out the ".bin" extension.
RE: Cant change from V3.0 to V2.05. Missing file
That did the job!!!... Thank you so much! I was so worried my printer was going to be down, until I had the time to convert it to V3.0
Cant change from V3.0 to V2.05. Missing file
Hello Everyone,
I accidentally installed V3.0RC1 onto my Duet2. I wanted V2.05, but I didnt notice I was on the wrong GitHub page. I'm not ready to work with V3.0 yet, just got to many things going on to spend the time to make the changes and check it.
So I tried installing 2.05, and I get an error "Error: In-application programming binary "Duet2CombinedIAP.bin" not found". I looked all over Github, did searches on both Github and here, with no luck. Where do I find the file I need to install V2.05?
Thanks AJ
RE: Delta printer advice
Thank you everyone for the advice. I now have a better idea for a plan.
RE: Delta printer advice
@bartolomeus that is some great information. Thank you, that helps me a lot.
RE: Delta printer advice
@bartolomeus sorry, I forgot that... My budget would be around $500-$1000
Delta printer advice
Hello everyone,
I currently have a working Hypercube Evo printer, and I am in the process of making a Voron 2.2 printer. After the Voron is working, I will start building a Prusa Bear printer. After all those printers are built, I want to try my hand at building a Delta printer. I would like to plan the build soon, that way I'm ready for when I start.
Is there any advice or suggestions that could be offered to help me with my planing? Like what printer should I build? Any add on parts that would be good to have? Etc...
My wants for a Delta printer are
- 200mm diameter x 300mm build volume
- travel (not printing) speeds of 200mm/s or better.
- great bridging performance
- able to print ABS, PETG, and PLA. Other material would be ok.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer
AJ -
Advanced controllers in the future
Hello everyone,
This is a few questions I have been thinking about the future for controller boards. I know there are options out there, like using a raspberry pi and microprocessor together. I'm talking about single board systems.
Do you think we will see advanced 3D printer controllers? Controllers that are smart, fast, all-in-one kind of system.
Do you think we will ever see machine learning on a 3D printer? Maybe something that can detect printing issues like, temps to high or low, blobbing, under and over extruding, etc...
Do you think we will ever have multi-core processors controlling one machine? Maybe one core doing the movement calculations, another (or more) cores managing the movements, etc...
Do you think we will see FPGA's processing movements? The FPGA would controll all of the timings, the accelerations, jerk, speeds, etc... I'm only suggesting FPGA's because the movement control doesn't need computational decisions, it just have to do what it's told, when it needs to (similar to Klipper)
What other advancements do think we may see in the future for 3D printer (or machine) control boards?
For me, I would love to see something like a raspberry pi combined with a FPGA all on one board. That has the capability of true, real time closed loop control, advanced PID for the heaters (always learning and adapting), advanced crash detection, and more.
RE: Closed loop for X and Y
Thank you for the encouragement, and the additional advice. I did a quick check into SimplexMotion, there are no distributors in the US at this time. I will contact them to see what options they can do.