Gah I don't know why I didn't think of that. Thanks.
Actually I got an external fan going and I think it'll be okay until the print finishes anyway.
Gah I don't know why I didn't think of that. Thanks.
Actually I got an external fan going and I think it'll be okay until the print finishes anyway.
I have a very long print running right now and someone from the news media is about to arrive at my house to report an unrelated project, but I'm probably going to wind up showing them my big printer too. The thing is I'm getting a heater fault on Drive 3 (which is one of the four extruders) and I can see upon inspection that it's a failing bearing on the Titan Aero extruder (the "bearing-gate" issue strikes again, as well as Murphy).
That tool is P1 and is defined as follows in config.g:
M563 P1 D0:1:2:3 H1:2:3:4 F0:3:5:7; Define tool 1 (P1) to use drives 0, 1, 2, and 3, and heaters 1,2 ,3, and 4.
G10 P1 S0 R0 X0 Y0 ; set tool 1 temperatures and offsets
And in the gcode starting script (in Simpify) I have this:
M567 P1 E1.0:1.0:1.0:1.0 ;Set mix ratio to 1:1:1:1
I'm thinking there must be a gcode commad I can send to turn off (not just stop) ONLY D3 during the print. Obviously the part that that extruder is working on will fail but I'd rather not risk burning out drive 3 on the Duet.
Any quick advice?
Hello all,
About a year ago I posted about my large format build ( At the time I intended to put up a video, but just got around to it. That thread is locked now so I'm posting here.
All the design files are available if anyone's interested:
The video:
FYI, the "Fallback procedure #3" says to use 1.17, but no matter, it looks like it's an issue with the tk8.5 library on Debian. Seems like everyone who's running it on Linux is using Ubuntu.
But it's fine, I just tried BOSSA 1.8 on a Windows VM and that worked and my Duet has firmware again. Thank you as always!
Now to order that replacement fuse...
When I try connecting with Sam-ba, I get the error Board Description File not found: expected integer but got ""
Any clues on what's going on? Bossa 1.8 on Debian is going to be another rabbit hole.
Oh good, fixable stuff! Okay, thanks.
My machine has been running perfectly, though use has been sporadic in the past few months. I have both single extruder and four extruder toolheads that I can switch between, and everything has been running good.
Today I tried running a print and every single one of the 4 extruder thermistors, plus the bed thermistor (the one out of five bed thermistors that I can monitor from DWC) comes up as 2000 degrees with "Error: Temperature reading fault on heater X: sensor open circuit".
The NTC 100K thermistors are all confirmed connected. Checked each one with an ohmmeter right where the cables connect to the Duet headers and they're all good. I have multiple toolheads and tried swapping out as a sanity check. Same thing. I tried plugging a separate NTC 100K thermistor right into one of the inputs on the board. Same thing. The thermistors are connected correctly.
If it were an error with just one temperature channel you might blame an actual heater fault, but I have 9 (NINE) temperature sensors on this machine, 5 of which I can monitor from DWC, and every one I can see is giving me a fault. All the same fault. There's no sign of an intermittent connection, and the machine ran fine the last time I used it. Nothing has changed since then. Haven't touched the config files, nor the firmware, nor turned it on.
I checked config.g. Looks the same as it always did. I deleted all the files from the SD card and copied my backup files over. I updated the firmware from 1.20 to 1.21. Same, same, same.
To reiterate, wiring has not changed; nothing has changed. I've tried multiple toolheads.
I convinced myself that everything is in perfect order, as it has been. Perhaps the firmware was corrupted some how? Cosmic rays ruining my day? The axes move normally and nothing else seems amiss. Is there a separate chip that handles temperature sensing? Did that go bad?
So I tried the "erase" button, thinking I would REALLY reload the firmware. Sam-ba won't connect, and neither will BOSSA. By the way, the version of BOSSA in the Debian apt repository does work in GUI mode. I tried multiple USB cables thinking I might have a stupid charge-only cable, but I don't have a way to be sure my cables are good (just realized not a single other device in my house actually uses the micro-USB B for data).
Possibilities there are that I'm just having bad luck getting the firmware to flash due to bad cables or some other annoying thing, OR the microcontroller really did get corrupted, and so royally that I can't even flash it.
I really think this is a hardware issue. Looking for guidance. I'm at the point that I'm willing to throw money at it and buy new boards (Duet+Duex5).
Whoa thanks everyone. I'll take some detail shots of the toolhead mount soon. Also been debating about whether to publish the BOM and design files.
By the way, that big black bowl-looking thing is half of an integrating sphere.
Time to share. When my basement is more clean I'll make a video. The build volume is 610 x 610 x 760mm.
-Fully enclosed by means of window shrink wrap over lightweight doors. With the basement around 50F and the build plate at 55C, the internal temperature stabilizes at 70C with no additional heating, "Space blanket" covering on build plate and downward-facing top surface of printer help reduce radiative heat loss.
-It's meant mainly for production work. I have both single- and four-extruder toolheads which mount via a kinematic quick-change end effector. No screwing and unscrewing, and the height registration really is repeatable. Spring-loaded latches hold the toolheads in place (no screws). The quad-toolhead subdivides the HBP into 12"x12" squares for 4x parallel printing. I've only made test prints with that toolhead so far, but it works.
-HEPA filtered exhaust fan.
-I used guide tube intended for 3mm filament even though I run 1.75mm filament. The tube paths are so long that the narrower guide tubes gave carbon-filled filaments too much resistance. This works just fine though, and the filament seems much less likely to break within the guide tube.
-The HBP has 5 zones: 4 12" square silicone heater pads, and a nichrome wire permieter wire, to counteract the temperature gradient at the edge. The Duet moderates each zone very nicely. The heaters are plugged into AC, which would draw over 3kW with everything on. To avoid such large surges and let it plug into a 15A breaker, a Variac is used to reduce the peak power to a more sane 1kW.
-A large (14") Raspberry Pi-powered touchscreen provides access to Duet Web Control.
-All the white plastic parts in the pictures were self-printed. The control panel is in two pieces.
-Because I really don't want to burn my house down (this runs often when I'm not home):
In DWC under Extruder Control > Extruder Drive, what gcode is sent when I press "All"? If I do that, all my extruders run:
But if I try printing something, although all the heaters come on and all the extruder fans work, only the E0 extruder motor runs.
It seems to me that whatever DWC sends when I click "Extruder Drive: All" is the line I need to add to my starting script. But what is it? Selecting the tool doesn't do it (T1 in this case).
Related comment: I can't coax the gcode console to display any commands it sends itself. I I could just see what that button does I think the problem will be solved.
This is how that toolhead is configured:
; ###Define Tool 1 (Quad-Extruder)###
M563 P1 D0:1:2:3 H1:2:3:4 F0:3:5:7; Define tool 1 (P1) to use drives 2, 7, 8, and 9, and heaters 1,2 ,3, and 4.
G10 P1 S0 R0 X0 Y0 ; set tool 1 temperatures and offsets
; ###Configure extruder fans for thermostatic control###
M106 P1 S255 I0 F500 H1 T45 ;Fan 1 (P1) is for extruder 0... PWM signal inversionoff (I0), frequency 500Hz (F500). Thermostatic control on and referenced to H1 (E0's heater) and set to come on at 45*C (T45).
M106 P4 S255 I0 F500 H2 T45 ;Fan 4 (P4) is for extruder 1
M106 P6 S255 I0 F500 H3 T45 ;Fan 6 (P6) is for extruder 2
M106 P8 S255 I0 F500 H4 T45 ;Fan 8 (P8) is for extruder 3
Oh cool, good! Just sitting in a long meeting with laptop in hand, haha.
Hi Leif,
Just a couple days ago I was having the same symptoms on one of my e3d Titan Aeros, also with a pancake motor. It's this motor with the current set to .7A. It hardly even gets warm at .7A and I'm sure it can do more.
One of the bearings on the filament feed gear had failed. With the extruder apart it would squeak and bind when turning by hand. Googling "e3d Titan bearing failure" reveals this is a known problem, possibly related to a certain batch of bearings, and that e3d is reviewing their QC.
I've also noticed that very small changes in the position of the drive gear on the motor shaft w.r.t. the filament feed gear can cause significant friction once the thing is reassembled. e3d advises that the outer surfaces of those two gears should be completely flush when assembled, and indeed that seems critical. You might want to revisit that too. In fact, after I reassembled my bad extruder with a replacement bearing, the gear wouldn't move smoothly by hand because this alignment was imperfect.
Seems unlikely that you damaged either the controller or the motor, but a definite alternate possibility is a faulty connection in the cable for the motor. If you probe the pins at the Molex header connector (that plugs into the board) in pairs, you should get some single-digit number of ohms per motor winding. It would also be good to do this test with the extruder positioned at various points in it's travel range on the gantry, or even while you're moving it around, to look for an intermittent failure.
Yeah but, it seems like it issued the pause script on its own somehow. The gantry was parked, mid print. Any idea why it would do that?
It must have automatically commanded the pause script, because it parked itself. I speculation that there was a short brownout this morning to account for it having enough power to park itself. I know you're saying that's not possible, but it did… I was sleeping when the print stopped itself, and on resurrect it picked right up where it left off.
I just successfully resurrected this print despite not having M911 defined in config.g
But hey, that resurrect.g IS for today's date. Strange.
Oh, darn. Okay, thanks David.
Had my first power failure during a big print early this morning, would like to resurrect.
Additional questions:
1. Why is the file in resurrect.g is called "Presurrect-prologue.g" instead of "resurrect-prologue.g" as the wiki says?
2. I never configured auto-pause with M911, yet a seemingly good resurrect.g file has been created for the print. Is there a default auto-pause in place?
3. My machine homed itself at the time of the power failure. I'm at a loss to explain how this could have happened.
The contents of resurrect.g right now:
; File "ExhaustPanel-P.gcode" resume print after print paused at 2018-01-13 05:07
M140 P3 S70.0
G10 P1 S0:0:0:0 R0:0:0:0
G10 P0 S215 R215
T0 P0
M98 Presurrect-prologue.g
M106 P0 S1.00
M106 P2 S0.00
M106 P3 S0.00
M106 P5 S0.00
M106 P7 S0.00
M106 S255.00
M290 S0.000
G92 E10.69300
M23 ExhaustPanel-P.gcode
M26 S4316562 P0.000
G0 F6000 Z6.560
G0 F6000 X383.10 Y181.68
G0 F6000 Z4.560
G1 F14000.0 P0
Here's a summary of what I did to get multiple bed heaters working, thanks to a lot of hand-holding:
1. 4 bed heaters, connected to the default bed heater as well as the E4, E5, and E6 heaters on the Duex5.
2. The bed heaters are configured in config.g as follows:
; ###Configure Bed Heaters###
M140 P0 H0 ;Tie the E4 (H5) heater and thermistor to P0 as a bed heater. This is so by default but included for visual consistecy in this file.
M140 P1 H5 ;Tie the E4 (H5) heater and thermistor to P5 as a bed heater.
M140 P2 H6 ;Tie the E5 (H6) heater and thermistor to P6 as a bed heater.
M140 P3 H7 ;Tie the E6 (H7) heater and thermistor to P7 as a bed heater.
M305 P0 R4700 T100000 B3950 ;Set thermistor parameters
M305 P5 R4700 T100000 B3950
M305 P6 R4700 T100000 B3950
M305 P7 R4700 T100000 B3950
M307 H0 A90.0 C700.0 D10.0 B1 ;Set heater model settings
M307 H5 A90.0 C700.0 D10.0 B1
M307 H6 A90.0 C700.0 D10.0 B1
M307 H7 A90.0 C700.0 D10.0 B1
M143 H0 S120 ; Set maximum heater temperature.
M143 H5 S120 ;
M143 H6 S120 ;
M143 H7 S120 ;
M570 H0 S1200 ; Set maximum heating time (Snnn, in seconds).
M570 H5 S1200 ;
M570 H6 S1200 ;
M570 H7 S1200 ;
3. If I want to turn all the bed heaters on and set them to nn*C, I send:
M140 P0 Snn
M140 P1 Snn
M140 P2 Snn
M140 P3 Snn
M116 ;wait for all heaters to stabilize
-M140 P0 Snn is the default heater output, so if a heated bed is specified in the slicer settings this will be redundant.
-If adding this to the start script in Simplify3D, it seems better to remove the normal bed heater from the Temperature Tab altogether. Otherwise, the start script doesn't run until after the first heater zone has come up to temperature and stabilized, which means a single heater needs to fight against the thermal mass of the whole build plate before the other heaters are ever woken up, so it may not get up to temperature at all. It's still not great because the extruder will have come up to temperature and be sitting like that the whole time the bed is coming up to temperature. But unchecking "wait for temperature controller to come up to temperature before beginning build" for the extruder helps so at least everything comes on at the same time.
-Hopefully Simplify3D will soon support multiple bed heaters. Someone on the Simplify forum claims it already does (, but I don't know what they're talking about. I posted on that forum to address the question.