@jay_s_uk yes, it will be a custom firmware for the esp32 on the knomi but I think it won't be to complicated (I've made some other project with esp32 using ble).
My biggest concern is how to get the data I need trough the panel due pin.

Posts made by Lakko
RE: Knomi round screen
Knomi round screen
is it possible to use the knomi with the duet? It is a round screen designed for the voron and klipper compatible.
I've noticed that it is powered by an esp32.
If I'm not wrong I can connect an esp32 to the duet bord (the panel due pin urxd0 and utxde0 3.3v and gnd) to keep some info such as temperature and print time, and using Bluetooth I can connect to the knomi with a custom firmware for it that read the Bluetooth info and then update the screen.
Do you think it is possible? -
I have a corexy printer with standard 1.8° nema stepper with M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 in config.gQuestion 1:
I am confused about the M350 value...
I have the M350 with "I1" so the interpolation is enabled and i'm using a microstepping of x256 with interpolation.
I'm right? or i'm actually using full step interpolated to x16?Question 2:
Is there any sense to change my M350 withM350 X16 Y16 E16 I1 M350 Z1 I0
I have two T8x4 screw for Z so the printer has a magic number of 0.02mm
If in my slicing SW i set a layer height of 0.1 or 0.2 i can reache them with 5 or 10 full step.
Is there a good reason to use the interpolation of x16 (or x256) microstepping instead of using a full step for the Z axis?Question 3:
in my config.g file i have the M92 X80 Y80 Z800 after the M350...i have to change my M92 value if i change M350 value?thanks in advance
Change baby step value
i want to know if is it possible to change the 0.05mm value of the default baby step to another value.
My printer has a magic number of 0.02mm so if i baby step with 0.05 my Z motor aren't in a full step position.
I already know that i can use M290 S0.02 on Gcode console but is not fast as using the button on the DuetWebServer.
thanks in advance -
RE: Bltouch and servo
I forgot to ask if the laser can also be controlled by the duet wifi board (in addition to the bltouch and servo) without the use of an expansion board.
Maybe using:- Bed haeter (i don't have it) for laser
- Heater7/PWM5 for servo
- Heater1 beacause (i have only one hotend) for BLtouch
RE: Bltouch and servo
thanks, as soon as i have the connection scheme i'll ask for a feedback
Bltouch and servo
Is it possible to use a bltouch for z probe and adding another servo to unused pin?
I want to design a changing tool and want to use a servo for a locking device.
I have a duet wifi without expansion board or paneldue.
Thanks in advance -
RE: Core xy prints well on diagonal but not on y axisx
or a simply copy & paste from the default windows image viewer.
RE: Nonlinear extrusion tweaking
@lakko said in Nonlinear extrusion tweaking:
M592 D0 A-0.01096 B0.00591 L0.021
based on the results is the M592 correct?
RE: Nonlinear extrusion tweaking
i've finally had time for the non linear extrusion test, these are my result...if i have understand all, this is my M592:
M592 D0 A-0.01096 B0.00591 L0.021@alexander-mundy
The part with "Step Resul" is the extruder step/mm if i don't want to use the non linear extrusion? -
Printer loose homed axis at end of a print
i noticed that at the end of a print it perform an homing for X & Y (as required by the end gcode) but after that it lose all the position and to start another print i have to re-homing all axis.
This is my end G-code:M104 S0 ; Set extruder temp 0C G92 E1 G1 E-1 F300 G91 ;Relative G1 F150 ; slow Z rate G1 Z15 ; Z up 15mm G90 ; back to absolute G28 X0 Y0 M84 ; Disable motor
It is a default setting or it is caused by the M84?
Nonlinear extrusion tweaking
i want to try to perfect calibrate the extruder so now i want to implement the nonlinear extrusion.
This is the code i want to use, based from dc42 code:G28 G1 X50 Y0 Z130 F3000 M83 ;Set extruder to relative mode G1 E5 F600 ;Prime extruder M400 ;Wait for current moves to finish M291 S3 R"Extrusion test" P"Press OK to start test" G1 X50 E50 F60 M400 M291 S3 R"Measure extrusion" P"Measure filament taken at 1mm/sec extrusion, then press OK" G1 X0 E50 F120 M400 M291 S3 R"Measure extrusion" P"Measure filament taken at 2mm/sec extrusion, then press OK" G1 X50 E50 F180 M400 M291 S3 R"Measure extrusion" P"Measure filament taken at 3mm/sec extrusion, then press OK" G1 X0 E50 F240 M400 M291 S3 R"Measure extrusion" P"Measure filament taken at 4mm/sec extrusion, then press OK" G1 X50 E50 F300 M400 M291 S3 R"Measure extrusion" P"Measure filament taken at 5mm/sec extrusion, then press OK" G1 X0 E50 F360 M400 M291 S3 R"Measure extrusion" P"Measure filament taken at 6mm/sec extrusion, then press OK" G28
Is there a real needed of the X movement "G1 X50.." & "G1 X0.." or it is useless and can be removed?
In the excel file from here: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/6015/guide-for-finding-the-values-for-m592-non-linear-extrusion/2
the step/mm required are the fullstpep of the extruder?
i can use this 418.5 from my config.g?M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; Set 16x microstepping with interpolation M92 X80 Y80 Z800 E418.5 ; Set axis steps/mm.
Last question, i've found another excel file
but not understanding how to use the "1st Added" "2nd Added"..."6th Added"?
i've always only to put the step/mm, the desired extruded lenght and the effective extruded lenght at the different speed?Thanks in advance
Printer: Corexy
Firmware: 2.02
Duet 2 wifi -
RE: pres. adv, or non lin. extrusion - what to calibrate first?
is there a preference order?
[Solved] Homing question (M561)
i've got a coreXY printer with precision piezo on the hotend.
Searching on the wiki i've found in the Configuring Cartesian printer topic in the "Bed probing file" section this example:M561 ; clear any existing bed transform M401 ; deploy Z probe if necessary G30 P0 X10 Y10 Z-99999 ; define 4 points in a clockwise direction around the bed, starting near (0,0) G30 P1 X10 Y190 Z-99999 G30 P2 X190 Y190 Z-99999 G30 P3 X190 Y10 Z-99999 G30 P4 X100 Y100 Z-99999 S0 ; finally probe bed centre, and calculate compensation M402 ; retract the Z probe G1 X0 Y0 F5000 ; move the head to the corner (optional)
is the M561 needed also at the beginning of the homing sequence?
Thank in advance
RE: precision piezo: difference between boards
@moriquendi said in precision piezo: difference between boards:
@garyd9 Sorry about that, I try to reply to all the inquiries as quick as I can but occasionally I miss someone.
I don't offer a kit for the piezo20 board however all the parts are available individually, you would probably want the PCB, a drilled or undrilled 20mm piezo disk and an endstop cable.
The Orion works by flexing the PCB through compression of the module as a whole.
Here is a (very) rough mockup of how the new product is designed to be used:
The red part represents the carriage of your printer, the green part is the PCB and your hotend/extruder mounts to the blue part. Force on the nozzle transfers through the blue part and causes the PCB to flex, cutouts at the bottom of the blue part allow for vertical deflection while constraining rotation and movement in other axis.Idris
i Idris, it is the Andromeda board?
RE: Precision Piezo z probes guide for duet users reference
@moriquendi said in Precision Piezo z probes guide for duet users reference:
To reset the v0.6 to factory settings, turn VR1 and VR2 so that the flat part of the adjuster is closets to the bottom of the PCB.
Last question, clockwise or counterclockwise?
@moriquendi said in Precision Piezo z probes guide for duet users reference:
David might be able to give more detail about how the firmware processes P1 and P5/8 differently.
it isn't necessary, it was just a curiosity.
Thank you for your help Idris