Looks like it was still disabled from when accelerometers only worked in standalone mode, I built RRF with it enabled and it works!

Latest posts made by MarMed
RE: Duet 2 + SBC M955: Command is not supported
RE: Duet 2 + SBC M955: Command is not supported
It is a duetwifi to support SBCFIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 SBC FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.4.4 ELECTRONICS: Duet 2 + SBC 1.0 or 1.01 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2022-10-20 16:17:59
Duet 2 + SBC M955: Command is not supported
I'm gettting M955: Command is not supported when trying to enter any M955 command on my duet2wifi in SBC mode.
is accelerometer support on Duet 2 + SBC not supported?
Extruder skips steps un-retracting after upgrading to 3.4.1
Hey everyone,
I'd appreciate some help with this, I'm experiencing skipped steps during un-retraction after upgrading my Duet Maestro to 3.4.1, I've confirmed this by downgrading back to 3.3.
Did I miss something in the release notes?
RE: M307: bad model parameters with Beta3.2 LPC
This is on beta4.1Warning: Auto tune of heater 2 failed due to bad curve fit (R=0.030, C=0.001:0.000, D=2.3)
I think the problem may be a combination of a very low power heater(250w), and the situation that the heated bed gets the chamber close to the target temperature already, around 50C and I then use the the chamber heater to reach a stable 60C.
I've tried many combinations when tuning, with hotend and bed heater off, with hotend and bed heater on, and setting the ambient temperature. Each tuning takes 5h+ before it fails.
Any idea why my old heater parameters is giving me an error now?
M307 H2 B1 A29.9 C1151.3 D55 Error: M307: bad model parameters
is there manual parameters that might work with my setup in 3.2?
Help is appreciated.
M307: bad model parameters with Beta3.2 LPC
With beta3.2 I am getting the following error from setting the model parameters for my chamber heater
M307 H2 B1 A29.9 C1151.3 D55 Error: M307: bad model parameters
on previous versions the parameters would set correctly.
11/19/2020, 11:37:31 AM M307 H2 Heater 2 model: gain 29.9, time constant 1151.3, dead time 55.0, max PWM 1.00, calibration voltage 0.0, mode bang-bang 11/19/2020, 11:37:28 AM M307 H2 B1 A29.9 C1151.3 D55
just to note, the parameters used is from previous RRF3.2 betas, but with the bad curve error, due to dead time being negative I used the recommendation here to measure and set the dead time manually.
Additionally I receive a bad curve fit using the new tuning algorithm, is there a similar workaround using the new tuning?
RRF3.2 Beta3.2 on LPC
RE: Duet 2 Ethernet and SBC
@arhi these photos were taken before I knew the issue, and I already soldered the pad, so I apologize for the poor photo quality.
RE: Duet 2 Ethernet and SBC
So after receiving the boards from JLCPCB($36.37) to avoid turning your hairs gray troubleshooting, check for lifted pads on the buffer ICs. I happened to have 1 board out of 10 where the TFR pin was not soldered.
RE: BLTouch Reprap 3 - Duet 2 Wifi
This is my homez.g
; homez.g ; called to home the Z axis ; G91 ; Lift Z G1 Z5 F6000 H2 G90 ; Go to first bed probe point and home the Z axis G1 X100 Y138 F6200 G30 ; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing G91 ;G1 Z3 F1000 G90
RE: Stuck in spin loop, spinning module Network
I have taken a look. It appears to have got stuck in the SD card driver because a command failed to complete. I have seen at least one other occurrence of this.
I have it in mind to add a timeout to that function to avoid the reset happening.
Thank you for taking the time to look into it, I forgot to include that I had tried to load the duet web control page to check on the printer's progress when the reset happened.