@droftarts it is useless that he has prepared the outputs for the external drivers because it is only and only a mockery when they cannot already be used because all the external drives work at 5 times but because I have to pay the consequences

Controversial posts made by paolozampini1973
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@infiniteloop what I want to tell you is that if all the drivers work at 5 volts it's a good 95% what do I do with 3.3 v answer this question and when you create such a circuit what does it cost to integrate a 5v signal converter ?
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@droftarts practically it is like building a car and then the power supply is 6 volts instead you need 12 times to make all the bulbs in the car work you understood what I mean it is not a contradiction and then it is out of all logic
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@droftarts I want to see this engineer how serious how responsible he is I am waiting to talk to him you can also tell him if he is a serious person he takes his responsibilities because for € 0.30 he could have solved the problem do not make a card you know you already have the problem not the make out when all drivers work 5V
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@droftarts In the end he made a project it's like building a building But then a window is missing you make a million dollar project and you get lost for $ 10 I don't know if I made myself clear
look you can also block my account the post whatever you want because you have the right to do it but I guarantee you if the engineer does not help me I know how to find him because it is his responsibility and not so much solutions that don't really make sense with the upgrade I created 6 problems and before I had one and it wasn't fixed I had a loss of pace and even now what do I do for lack of it I have to redesign everything -
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@tekkydave however in all this I am really curious if someone really wants to help me because as I have already said at least 10 times with the v 0.8 I did not have any kind of problem a problem that I had a loss of step on some print seams and now I find myself with 6 problems so INSTEAD OF IMPROVING AFTER I made a V0.11 upgrade the facts say that I did a downgrade I don't know if I practically explained myself by switching to V0.11 I should have made a qualitative leap and solved all the problems instead I find myself with 6 more problems I do not know if I have explained myself but no one will follow my problem nor even the engineer because I do not think that all these conversations have not read it AND in any case the V0.11 has problems
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@tekkydave start to think that it is I who do not explain myself well or someone cannot understand my problem but strange because I have explained it as many times as possible every time I am wrong to explain my problem then there is another speech each one gives I am pleased with advice but you cannot give advice and then not follow the advice because in this way you do not get to really anything so if someone can be so kind and courteous You should follow the problem is that if someone gives me advice and then it disappears is no longer heard is useless Anyway thanks
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@engikeneer In practice my printer is composed in this way or four extruders with 4 nema 17 Then I have the Z axis with two motors then I have the x axis controlled by the external driver dm860h and also the external Y axis controlled by the Driver dm860h everything works on 15 mm linear guides with SF1204 screws and the loss of step I had only and only when I was going to make the seams Tighter than 10 mm if I don't do the seams I have no problem I can easily turn 120 even 160 mm without No loss of step but if I go to do the seams seams I lose the step even 50 mm this with two ex 5 well V 0.8 this is the only problem I had and now I find myself six problems to solve what I say but if a person spends money to have more problems than before honestly he has no logic I hope to be understood and understood why I would not have spent more money to have more problems usually more money is spent to have less problems in this case I have spent more money to have more problems I hope I was clear