We’ve been having issues with our prints when the resurrect print feature is used, specifically in the cases were babystepping has been applied previously.
We know the babystepping in itself is only meant as an auxiliary tool but in our case we have found there are two use scenarios were its use is necessary for us:
-When printing with our heated chamber machines as the variations between materials and temperatures often require adjustments in the first layer
-When printing with our one cubic meter machines as they are located in a warehouse and the bed behaviour varies depending on the climate.
It’s been noticed that the machine reapplies the babbystepping at the resurrect.g before launching the print.

As we do not home the Z axis when the resurrect is launched then the posible outcomes are the following:

Assuming that when there is a power outage the Z will remain at the correct height then reapplying a negative stepping will lead to the nozzle going further into the model and reapplying a positive stepping will lead to the nozzle getting further away from the model.
Is there any way to avoid this ?
As the resurrect.g is launched after the resurrect_prologue then we haven´t been able to find a way to clear the babystepping prior to the resuming of the print
Thanks in advance
Trideo3D team.