Nevermind... I wired the 4x conductor connection wrong for the other tool board.

Best posts made by VoodooBane
RE: Homing Y moves the Z motors + 1LC are not connected not detected
RE: A BIG thanks to Duet3D for thinking of us "walking hazards"
It thought this link was
We take pride in out board and the way we designed it. Here is a sarcastic guide if you have the means to destroy out controller board made with our blood, sweat, and tears.... if you to try thanks for that.
WAIT can this FINE piece of engineering be overclocked?? I did just put that into the universe... my bad.
RE: RRF 3.4 Beta 7 | Tool-Offsets Issue
@jay_s_uk Ah yes will do. My mistake. Did mean to hijack I will start a new thread. Sorry about that.
RE: Homing Y moves the Z motors + 1LC are not connected not detected
Turns out my Distro board was bad. I just replaced it. Everything is working as it should be now!
RE: RRF 3.4 Beta 7 | Tool-Offsets Issue
@sebkritikel I actually figured it out... lol I was doing a negative value on my T1 z-offset. But I changed, I got rid of the negative sign on the Z offset. it is working now. the layers are going down now.
Only wish I could use a fork of slic3r that allowed you to adjust the z-hop, z-retration, etc in the slicer itself instead of the firmware.