Cleaned my E3D V6 Hotend and replaced the nozzle, probably changing the overall length, but not by much and now when I go to use the Move Z on the PanelDue (to change the Z offset, closer to the bed), it doesn't change anything. what did I do that could've caused this? Any help would be great!

Posts made by wickedracer
Replaced heatbrake and nozzle, now Z offset does not work.
Duet WiFi connects to my IP but no DWC.
Duet Wifi powers up and says it is connected to my IP with correct name, password and IP number (can see it on the PanelDue console). I have seen it listed as being connected on my PC on my router settings, but when I go to type in the IP address into the browser, it comes up "site not found" I have tried everything but smashing this Duet with a hammer and buying a Ethernet one. I have had this over a month and cannot get it to connect to show me a DWC. I have 2 other Duets that are connected to the Ethernet and I have not had a problem with them.. Any suggestion?? I'm tired of fighting this thing. Thanks
RE: WiFi IP is found on the Duet but will not open the DWC
@Phaedrux This is the result when I run that command...
WiFi module is connected to access point South Guest, IP address<LF>ok<LF>and yes I have verified and found it on the router. the PanelDue says it is connected to that and the router says it is receiving and has a strong signal... this is what it shows on the router..
MAC Address ec:fa:bc:2d:e2:b7
IPv4 Address / Name / unknownecfabc2de2b7
Last Activity Thu May 7 15:34:48 2020
Status on
Allocation dhcp
Connection Type Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 5 bars
2.4 GHz
Type: Guest
Name: South Guest
Mesh Client No -
RE: WiFi IP is found on the Duet but will not open the DWC
@dc42 here is what i get when i run that command....
; Configuration file for RailcoreII 300ZL Series Printers<LF>; Do NOT change this file. All customizations should occur in config-user.g<LF><LF>; Debugging<LF>M111 S0 ; Debug off<LF>M929 P"eventlog.txt" S1 ; Start logging to file eventlog.txt<LF>M550 P"RailCore" ; Machine name and Netbios name (can be anything you like)<LF><LF>M552 P0.0.0.0 ; Use DHCP<LF><LF>; General preferences<LF>M555 P2 ; Set output to look like Marlin<LF>M575 P1 B57600 S1 ; Comms parameters for PanelDue<LF>G21 ; Work in millimetres<LF>G90 ; Send absolute coordinates...<LF>M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves<LF><LF>; Axis and motor configuration<LF>M669 K1 ; CoreXY mode<LF><LF>; Drives<LF>M584 X0 Y1 Z5:6:7 E3:4:8:9 ; Map Z to drivers 5, 6, 7. Define unused drivers 3,4,8 and 9 as extruders<LF>M[Warning: Maximal number of bytes per line exceeded! Check the EOL (end-of-line) settings or increase the limit in the advanced terminal settings.] -
RE: WiFi IP is found on the Duet but will not open the DWC
@bearer Tjis it what it says when I run that ..
Begin file list<LF>dwc.json<LF>favicon.ico.gz<LF>html404.htm<LF>language.xml.gz<LF>reprap.htm.gz<LF>css<LF>fonts<LF>js<LF>End file list<LF>ok<LF> -
RE: WiFi IP is found on the Duet but will not open the DWC
; Configuration file for RailcoreII 300ZL Series Printers<LF>; Do NOT change this file. All customizations should occur in config-user.g<LF> is what is says when i run M503
WiFi IP is found on the Duet but will not open the DWC
I have setup the printer and in the YET program it recognizes the IP address and it is also displayed on the PanelDue, but when I enter into the web browser the DWC will never come up. It always says site not found on the PC but on the PanelDue it responds to some of the controls but will not let me open anything in the MACROS file folder either. I have worked at this for over 10hrs. Ready to give up. Any help would be great!!