Bltouch setup need help
@Elvis0z ok, somewhere is a syntax error in the config.g, but I cannot see it.
@Elvis0z for BLTouch in most cases the value is P25. P9 was the parameter for M558. G31 P25 means sensitivity.
Think that I have P9 for the bltouch
ahhhh ok don't understand gcode that well at all
@Elvis0z you will get used to it, it is not so complicated. One G-Code one line, the explanation is in
It's only a bit complicated with the change from RRF2 to RRF3, because several G-Codes changed with the parameter meanings. Some were deprecated, some added.
@Elvis0z I know only one method to find the reason of the error: throw out parts of the config, test M98 again, throw out next until you find the reason. Throw out will be possible only for the parts which are not essential, like the heaters, fans, tools, miscellaneous. Then Z-Probe, Axis Limits. Please make a backup first!
Will have a go
@Elvis0z I forgot: the forum here is the backup.
Can I post a video here of what it is doing?
@Elvis0z most people make a youtube video and post the link here. Don't know whether you can post video directly, I suspect not.
Ok I will try That
Here is the video of what is happening
@Elvis0z maybe its the
M203 X6000.00 Y6000.00 Z180.00 E6000.00
setting, because Z moves with maximum 3 mm/second, which will take forever at this distance on the video. Please set higher and try again.PS the video was very helpful, this was a good idea!!
should I put the same as x and y?
@Elvis0z you have trapezoid at Z, the stepper turns 5 rotations per second, your trapezoid has 2 mm for every rotation, so 10 mm/s, the value for Z should be 600 mm/min. The stepper could run 16 rotations/s maximum, but better be on the safe side.
Thanks for your help.
So just to make sure I have to home z before I can do anything else?
Ahhhhh gets to the same point and deploys probe then nothing like in the video
@Elvis0z please see above, take 600. 6000 ist too much for the stepper.