Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected
@sgk said in Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected:
M575 P1 S1 B57600 ; Set things up for the PanelDue
try disconnecting the paneldue.
also post the output of M98 P"config.g"
@Veti said in Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected:
M98 P "config.g"
12:47:21M98 P"config.g"
HTTP is enabled on port 80
FTP is disabled
TELNET is disabled
Error: Invalid extruder number '1'
Warning: Macro file config-override.g not found
12:47:15Message Log cleared! -
@sgk said in Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected:
Error: Invalid extruder number '1'
M572 D1 S0.275 ; Set bowden extruder elasticity compensation for E1i think it might be that statement
I must put 0
M572 D0 S0.275; Définir la compensation d'élasticité d'extrudeuse Bowden pour E1 -
you already have a line like that in your config
@Veti oh yes
I understood I have a double line
thank you very much -
I still have the same error
14:29:50Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
14:29:46Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
14:29:42Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
14:29:38Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected. -
@sgk post the gcode file you're printing with. My guess is that you have a rogue T-1 or T1 command in there.
Did you also try Veti's suggestion of disconnecting the Panel Due? I've seen before where interference in the wires to the Panel Due corrupts the data flow and gives similar issues.
it does it to me since the update of 2.03 2.05 3.0 3.1 3.2
with all files from all slicers
@sgk upload the sliced gcode file, not the stl.
Did you try disconnecting the panel due?
yes the same
it's crazy since I was in 3.2 I have this problem
did you disconnect the paneldue?
@Phaedrux or @T3P3Tony (or one of the other moderators), it seems @sgk has been blocked from posting (getting flagged as spam by Can you help with this please?
@engikeneer thanks for the heads up. this is the first time i have seen it with someone who is already posting successfully. Akismet is a bit of a black box, can you ask him to email and we can try and trouble shoot through this.
@sgk You must post the sliced gcode file so we can see what the slicer is adding.
Do you have something defined in config-override.g concerning tools?
Might be weird, but did you try to remove the tool label S"T0" in M563?
Mine is like this:
; Tools M563 P0 D0 H1 F1 ; define tool 0 G10 P0 R0 S0 ; set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C
@sgk Try moving the 'Tool' section of your config.g to after the fan definitions. At the moment it is defining the tool with a fan (F1, which is the thermostatic hot end fan, so I think it should be F0, the tool fan) before the fan has been defined. This wasn't a problem in the old version of the firmware, as fans were defined by default, but in RRF3 there are no default definitions.
hello everyone thank you very much for all of your help.
I post my gcode