My Pi Zero 2W Adapter for Duet 3 | Duet 3 Mini 5+
Tested the PCB today. Works great.
Have 2 more of the Prototypen!
Will give it away for shipping. You only need the Pi. I will include connectorsBest
And yes i knew the CSI connector... Next Revision will fix it.
@pcr Is there enough clearance for a mini-HDMI_to_HDMI adapter, when the Duet3 header is soldered? The adapter I have is pretty big...
@o_lampe If you using a header.for mounting the Pi then yes. I solderd Mine directly on it
@pcr This might be a stupid question but what does the adaptor do? Can't you just attach a duet3 to the zero with a ribbon cable?
@rushmere3d you could. But with that the Signal way is shorter. You get a USB A Port. And in the next Revision a Buck comverter
@pcr Can you post a picture showing how it mounts on the board?
@pcr Amazing work. Please be sure to post when/if your have a production version.
So, did this board ever make it to production? (or is there a schematic which I could use to have it made at a PCB proto fab?)
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