Question about Sammy-C21 board
In response to another post of mine the Sammy-C21 was suggested as a possible solution.
I've been reading up a bit about that device and ran across this link in the Duet documentation:
You can find our sample firmware in this project on Github
Well, I clicked the link and it went to this page but I have little idea what I am looking at. Where is this sample project? Thanks much.
@fcwilt you load that project and the ones it depends on into Eclipse, then you build the SAMMYC21 configuration of it.
Thanks for the reply.
I downloaded the Eclipse installer and ran it. It presented a number of different IDE options.
Which do I choose?
@fcwilt I'm using a Sammy-C21 on a CannedERCF and created a build environment for compiling firmware so I'll try to remember the steps:
Towards the bottom of the Duet3Expansion repository are the links to three packages you need to download (gcc cross compiler, the Eclipse IDE, and the GNU Arm Eclipse bundle)
Install them.
When installing Eclipse you want Eclipse for C/C++.
I created a folder on my drive, then cloned the following repositories:
- Duet3Expansion
- CANlib
- RRFLibraries
- CoreN2G
- FreeRTOS
- Qfplib-M0-full
and added that folder as a workspace.
The FreeRTOS repository also has instructions for adding a PATH variable to the project in Eclipse necessary to compile for the Sammy-C21.
After that you make the necessary changes to your code, set the build target in eclipse to
, cross your fingers, and hope for the best! - Duet3Expansion
Thank you VERY much.
I will download the items mentioned and see what kind of trouble I can get into.
Back again.
I already have questions:
You posted then cloned the following repositories
How is that done?
You posted and added that folder as a workspace.
How is that done?
Thanks again.
For cloning the repositories, I use
from the command prompt. I believe you can also use Github Desktop if you're more comfortable with a GUI, though I've never used it personally. You need to installgit
or Github Desktop for your OS if you haven't already.For each repository, there is a
button. If you click it'll have the particular URL for cloning the repository using the command line, or a button for opening in Github Desktop.
So for example, to clone the 3.5-dev branch of Duet3Expansion, I open my terminal inside the workspace folder I created and type:
git clone --branch 3.5-dev
Do that for each of the repositories above, changing the URL for each, and placing them all into the same folder.
In the end, it should look something like this:
After that, open Eclipse. It should ask you to select a directory as a workspace. Point it to the folder with your cloned repositories.
Then to the File menu, and select
Open Projects from File System...
.Set the Import Source is your workspace folder and it should show your folders.
Click finish and you should see everything in Eclipse
Hope this helps!
@fcwilt FYI, depending on your needs, the compiled 'standard' Sammy firmware is located in the RRF releases page - you might not need to compile your own version!
@omtek said in Question about Sammy-C21 board:
Duet3Expansion 3.5-dev
CANlib 3.5-dev
RRFLibraries 3.5-dev
CoreN2G 3.5-dev
FreeRTOS 3.5-dev
Qfplib-M0-full 3.5-devIf you are starting a new project i would base it off the 3.6-dev