Duet Ethernet with 24v fan
@deckingman Replaced it with that line but I dont seem to be able to control it still, I can now see fan0 on the machine control tab but when turning it on and putting it to any % of power I get no movement still, any ideas?
Are you sure the fan is plugged into fan_0 and that the fan actually works?
@phaedrux Plugged into the 3rd one along which I assume is fan0 https://gyazo.com/2029dbbba084fd17447f1fcaa5dea01d as the last 2 are always on fans, almost certain the fan works, its brand new but I dont have a 24v power supply spare to test it on.
@bewaren how do you have the fan jumper set?
If you plug the fan into an always on port does it work?
Just tested it, doesnt seem too no. Do I need to take off one of the jumpers??
@phaedrux Tested the heatsink cooler fan on all connectors and it works on them, so unsure if the issue is the voltage for the print fan
See the link above about connecting fans. It Explains.
Are you sure the fan is 24v?
If it doesn't work on the always on port it may be dead. -
@phaedrux 24V DC fan, 2 pin output, wired up correctly, very confused as to what the issue could be now, the link shows how to use a 12v fan on a 24v output as far as I can tell, but I am very new to the technical terms used so may be misinterpreting it.
@phaedrux Tried 3 different fans now, none of them worked, ideas?
@phaedrux one thing I have noticed is the hotend cooling fan on the heat sink is in fact 12v and does function correctly but seems to be running faster than anticipated, when powered via 12v it is significantly slower than the current setup, so I am assuming it is a 24v output from the board however unsure as to how this is happening as I would imagine it would break the fan
@bewaren said in Duet Ethernet with 24v fan:
@phaedrux 24V DC fan, 2 pin output, wired up correctly, very confused as to what the issue could be now, the link shows how to use a 12v fan on a 24v output as far as I can tell, but I am very new to the technical terms used so may be misinterpreting it.
You need a buck converter to supply a 12v line into the v_fan jumper pin. But then all your fans need to be 12v.
If you have some 24v and some 12v you're going to have some issues. The hotend fan is being over volted and while it is working now it's likely to burn out when you least want it to happen.
Make sure the fans are all the same voltage and supply them with the correct voltage. It's as simple as that.
@phaedrux Alright ill order a 24v fan for the hotend heatsink to solve that issue then, so any idea on what else I could try to get the print fan working?, it's 24v, I've tried 3 of them now with no luck on the always on pins and the fan0 to fan2 pins, I'm certain it isn't the fans them selves, the pins work fine when I try power the 12v fan but they over voltage the fan, however the 24v fan simply doesn't do anything. Suggestions?
@bewaren said in Duet Ethernet with 24v fan:
What exactly is your M106 fan command in config.g right now?
If you send M106 P0 S1 H-1 in the gcode console does it turn on? -
@bewaren You also need to have tool selected. The easiest way to do that is to add T0 to the end of your config.g file.
@deckingman said in Duet Ethernet with 24v fan:
@bewaren You also need to have tool selected. The easiest way to do that is to add T0 to the end of your config.g file.
If the print cooling fan is connected to the Fan0 output, you don't need to select a tool to run it.
@Bewaren, does the fan run if you connect it to an always-on fan output?
M106 P0 S0.1 I0 F500 H T45 ; Set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
That line in config.g was wrong. The H without a number after it will be interpreted as H0. Remove the H, or change it to H-1.
@phaedrux M106 P0 S0 I0 F500 H-1 this is my current fan command
@deckingman Tool is selected yes, still nothing though
@dc42 M106 P0 S0 I0 F500 H-1 is the line now, still no luck, it also doesn't work even when connected to the always-on fan outputs, but I have tried 3 different fans, all brand new, very unlikely all 3 are faulty.
@phaedrux Tried sending M106 P0 S1 H-1, it did nothing