Struggled for a month with Ender3 Upgrade.
@droftarts copy all that . I'll let you know thanks
@droftarts hey one sec
what is ?
I'd say to do is either put the contents of your SD card back on the SD card or if you're unsure of what changes you've made. Start fresh with the sys and www folders from here.
? -
@droftarts no config file found m503
@abstraktlighting said in Duetwifi? THIS FRIGGIN BOARD.? CUSTOMER SERVICE?:
@droftarts hey one sec
what is ?
I'd say to do is either put the contents of your SD card back on the SD card or if you're unsure of what changes you've made. Start fresh with the sys and www folders from here.
?Meaning that if you've made so many changes that might affect things that you no longer know what you've done, it's best to start clean and then you know which state it's in.
No config.g found, there's a sys folder on your sd card with a config.g in it?
@blt3dp yes I understand and want to dothat but theres nothing there called config?
@blt3dp theres assets
@abstraktlighting that webcntrolfile on sd card in www didnt work to open web control
and theres no file "here" called config -
@abstraktlighting If you want to start again with the SD card, download from Card Contents and decompress that to the SD card.
@abstraktlighting said in Duetwifi? THIS FRIGGIN BOARD.? CUSTOMER SERVICE?:
@blt3dp theres assets
Everything from goes into a folder named www on the sd card.
Then there should be another folder named sys, which is where all the files from when you ran the Reprap Firmware Configurator, it should include a config.g
Or you could just start completely over with an empty sd card and put the www and sys folders from Ian's link
@abstraktlighting, can you communicate with your Duet over USB?
@dc42 im good droftarts is helping me
@dc42 Hey Man How you doing? This thing is still crazy I cant get any cionfigs to work they all travel too far . and say the heaters are faulting. I'm going to pull this card and bl touch and put arduino back in or smash it to peices if Icant get it working .Can you look at it Please.Ive spent another 10hrs f'ing with it today. I'm beat. My names Jeff. I went through Pheadreuxs guide twice now,
@dc42 Hey How you doing? This thing is still crazy I cant get any cionfigs to work they all travel too far . and say the heaters are faulting. I'm going to pull this card and bl touch and put arduino back in or smash it to peices if Icant get it working .Can you look at it Please.Ive spent another 10hrs f'ing with it today. I'm beat. My names Jeff. I went through Pheadreuxs guide twice now,
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i hope you bought that duet used, because V1.0 is an old revision of the board that that is missing some useful features.
also please post the config.g and not the config.json
also when you are going through the guide and dont understand a step or get a different result please ask for help on that specific step. saying that you read the guide twice and its not working does not help us understand where you problems are exacly.
@Veti copy that
@Veti I'dnever buy anything from them again a guy helped me some today but you cant even get simple questions answered in a timely fashion. It's a terrible business model.,
I think I would like to give some cudos to all the people bending over backwards to help abstracktlighting. You are showing an amazing amount of patience !
@infiniteloop Hi how you doing? I am almost good except for my z. the bracket I made for my bl touch isnt holding it in the right spot. whould you happen to know how I can get it to let me not use it and manually set Z so i could print a bracjket?
You can edit config.g and find the line with M558 P9 for the BLTouch. You can put a ; in front of that line to comment it out. Then below that put a line that says M558 P0. That will let you use a jog dialogue box to move the Z axis down until the nozzle touchs the bed when you try to home your Z axis.