duet3d sd not detected, rejects http, com5 denied
Im not sure how to do that with YAT i am brand new to all this.The duet is showing in device manager.
Set YAT to use <LF> as the end of line character. This will improve the readability of the messages coming from the Duet. Click "Text Settings" in the "Terminal Settings" and change "EOL sequence:" to <LF>. Click "OK" to close Text Settings. Click "OK" again to close Terminal Settings.
Thank you ok that is now changed. still not connecting tho.
I notice when i re open the settings it reverts back to saying <cl><lf>
Would it be better to power on the printer power supply and try to do all this wirelessly or keep working through the USB
Well if things are working to the point where you can connect to the web interface than what exactly is still the problem?
@Phaedrux it is not connecting currently. i didnt know if the 24 volt for the printer did anything important. and ive read about some ground loop situation happening through USB but i dont really understand what they ment.
USB power is enough for testing.
Can you show a screen shot of your SD card folders and files?
Did you replace the contents of the /www folder with the file I linked?
When connected with YAT what happens when you send M552?
what file type does the image need to be? i tried uploading bmp and jpeg both failed.I cannot get YAT to connect com port 5 busy
I followed your instructions best that I could understand, everything should be in the right place.
It did connect again after I did what you said, after disconnect it would not reconnect. -
Tried changing the port still same result.
Maybe it would be best to start from the top.
for firmware update is this the file i need from the gethub
Duet2and3Firmware-3.2.zip -
Only update the firmware if you've got a reliable connection to the web interface now.
If you still have access to DWC. Upload these 3 zip files, one at a time. Don't extract them. Reboot after each. Use M115 to verify the firmware has been applied.
That will get your firmware and DWC up to date.For your config, might be a good idea to run through the configurator tool and generate a fresh set for RRF3.
https://configtool.reprapfirmware.org/Start -
YAT and web interface are connected -
so i put these files on the sd card then run the M commands ? -
No. Upload them to the system tab in the web interface. One zip file at a time. Start with 2.05.1. It will prompt you to update. And reboot.
Failed to upload network error
M552 S1 say wifi is ok -
And you're trying to upload it to the system tab?
Can you go to the console tab and send M122 and copy and paste the results?
This post is deleted! -
In the system tab you'd find your config.g and the homing files, etc.
That's where you would upload Duet2Firmware-2.05.1.zip
yes in the system tab under file management on the left, is where I tried to upload it, the file does not show up in other tabs