Software package 3.3beta3 released
@dc42 Duex ? Ribbon cable ? LOL
I'm on a Mini 5+ / 2+ ....
Actually the Third one as i had to replace them multiple times due to SD card soldering issues....I'm saying i had no issue before....I install the fw after printer is completely cold at warm temperature
and those (nonsense) alarms came up..
and the steppers started clicking endless like everyting is going to break apart..Take it or leave it...
TBH i really have enough of the attitudes of yours of all the time i ave spent around this hw and i pretend answers from yourself
not from experts popping up from nowere pretending to become Duet developers overnight (sorry no offence Argo...) i'm really fed up at this pointout
@oc_geek, please remain calm and polite, that's a condition of using this forum.
You didn't say which board you were using in your original post, so I made the incorrect assumption that it was a Due + DueX as it had more than 5 stepper drivers.
If that error only occurred immediately after you upgraded, and was cleared by powering off and on again, then it probably means that the TMC2209 drivers didn't immediately adapt to the change in baud rate between firmware 3.3beta2 and 3.3beta3.
@dc42's becoming harder to...
I had posted numerous times in the other thread about layers shifts and mesh issues so i assumed you remembered the config i had, but i understand you deal with 100s issues at sorry if my post was not sharp clear from start
Ok understand the explanation now
My intention was to just report factual and that the steppers really click bad and don't stop doing that...
Swtcing off - on appears to solve the issue.
Perhaps it may be worth to mention someone may think things are breaking apart (as i did...) -
@oc_geek, I'll mention it in the release notes in case anyone else experiences it. Thanks for your report.
@dc42 said in Software package 3.3beta3 released:
Users of Duet + SBC can upgrade from the unstable package server.
Being totally new to using a SBC + Duet3, are these the correct commands to run to install this firmware?
If you wish to use the latest unstable DSF components, you can run the following commands instead: wget -q wget -q sudo mv duet3d.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ sudo mv duet3d-unstable.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/duet3d.gpg sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list TIA Paul.
@paulhew yes, then
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
@jay_s_uk Thank you.
Need a button in DWC somewhere so it can be done!P.
We had some evidence suggesting that the overhead of opening (or trying to open) the daemon.g file every second might be causing print slowdown and quality issues when printing a long sequence of very short moves, because of contention for the SD card. Increasing the delay to 10 seconds reduces this overhead by 90%.
That's some interesting context
I hate to re-ask, but were those issues also related to the notes: "A separate task is now used to finalize moves for execution" where those short, small moves were causing issues?
My first print on 3.3beta3 didn't have the issues that have been plaguing me for a long while on my 6hc +3hc setup, So i was wondering what all went into the fix beyond the CAN sync issues from a few threads earlier
Thanks for all this great work guys, variables are already changing the game.
Are macro parameters supported on Duet3+SBC?
T -
@luke-slaboratory said in Software package 3.3beta3 released:
I hate to re-ask, but were those issues also related to the notes: "A separate task is now used to finalize moves for execution" where those short, small moves were causing issues?
I made that change to facilitate additional functionality that needed to be incorporated into the Move subsystem, to remove some of the limitations in firmware 3.2 when using CAN-connected boards. I don't have any evidence that it fixed any issues, except that on the Duet 3 Mini it worked around another issue.
My first print on 3.3beta3 didn't have the issues that have been plaguing me for a long while on my 6hc +3hc setup, So i was wondering what all went into the fix beyond the CAN sync issues from a few threads earlier.
There have been several improvements and fixes to CAN traffic management in the 3.3beta series, including one between beta 2 and beta 3.
@tristanryerparke said in Software package 3.3beta3 released:
Are macro parameters supported on Duet3+SBC?
They should be, but I haven't tested them myself in SBC mode.
Fantastic, can't wait to get back to toolchanging
work faster.... lol
I started using RRF on a Fusion3 machine that we have in my office and I loved it. So much so that I bought a pair of D2Wifi boards for my two hobby printers. I installed one, and its been on 2.03 for the longest time, recently updated to 2.05.1
My other machine was converted to Klipper. I love me some input shapers.
I now have the D2Wifi boards in both of my machines and i am ABOUT to make the jump over to Klipper on both. If input shaper comes to RRF soon, I might not make that switch! -
@dc42 I did a quick test and am getting this error on duet3 + pi4
Running 3.3beta on rrf, dsf and dwc.Macro testparam.g:
echo param.A echo param.B echo param.C Running this command:
M98 P"0:/macros/testparam.g" A1 B"test" C32.7
Gives this error:
Error: Failed to evaluate "param.A": unknown parameter 'A' of testparam.g Am I doing something wrong?
I tried to follow the example here in which A and B seemed to work:
T -
@tristanryerparke, I'll ask @chrishamm to look into this.
Height map disappears in DWC with attached SBC. If you go to the height map tab in DWC and refresh the browser. The height map will not reload in the 3D viewport with error "height map not available". In order to get it back, you have to go to the system tab, edit hieghtmap.csv and then navigate back to the height map.
In addition to this error, I've had a couple instances where commands completely halt the 6HC main board. I'm not sure if the process is dying on the SBC or whether the board is panicking and indeed shutting off.
Alright, what am I doing wrong? Likely something simpleDuet2 Wifi +Duex5
Duet Web Control 3.3.0-b3
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.3beta3 (2021-04-22)Wiring diagram (tried some variations of this, including using duex.cs5, duex.cs6). Green LED on each of the boards tested.M955 P0 C"spi.cs3+spi.cs4" Error: M955: Accelerometer not found on specified port Update - I'm quite confident the cable assembly was good, but likely was too long (~11ft). Trimmed 4ft off the Duet side, re-terminated and now we're good to go.
@dc42 Will there be proper speaker support using M300 for the duet 2 at any point down the road? Currently with the speaker output on the expansion header, M300 can only trigger on and off and a duration of the pulse to the speaker pin, no oscillation.
the mcu temperture is 10 degrees above room temperture.
do i have to do a pid tuning like in the wiki and if so how ?