@o_lampe Well spotted - yes it is due to the extra IDEX carriage I left on the rear gantry.
If I take off the plastic coupler from the carriage there is a risk of the carriage falling off the end of the rail and I think it is that which is clashing with the belts.
For the IDEX phase I am going to need to move the pulley positions slightly forward to avoid the problem you spotted - but in the meantime I don't think it is causing any great issues other than limiting travel - but will find out when I do some more testing.
I am starting to think about Reprap IDEX kinematics -
I was pleasantly surprised to find that CoreXYUV seems to support two CoreXY gantries ok - but for IDEX on top of CoreXYUV I think I am going to have to work out how you define completely new Kinematics (if thats possible) otherwise it is going to end up with loads more fairly complicated post-processing.
I think what I would really need is to be able to have an X and 'x' axis for each gantry that I can specify both coordinates for in G0-G3 commands (or Macro replacements) I.e. For mirror mode / duplicate mode etc.- Rather than using a command to change the mode between Toolchange/Duplicate and Mirror - it should be fairly easy to work out and send two X coordinates in the same G0-G3 command to achieve the desired effect.
So what I will be looking for is something like CoreXxYUuV for dual gantry IDEX.
With .Zabcd - for the Z hoppers, and then finally. CoreXxYUuVy - for the occasionally moving bed phase (5).
My current thinking on IDEX too is that I will stick with the Ratrig VCore4 approach of two extra Y motors per gantry initially (although it would be nice to reduce this down to one extra per ganty) - but I think I will try putting them at the front rather than the back to help balance the weight on my flying gantries.