@dc42 awesome explanation, similar to the relationship of power factor caused by inductance, you just need to make a cool analogy to describe it like.......

Best posts made by jackatom74
RE: Meaning of low/high slip angle in EMF Calculator
RE: Is the PanelDue necessary to use the Duet?
@Splic3dBread I used mine for 2 months before adding panel due, it makes it more convenient but it is not needed as the web interface you can do using just the duet is superior to anything else I have used. I spent money on a smoothie board before my first duet and it is sitting unused in a box now with no plans to be resurrected.
One other point I did not realize when I first bought the duet, you do not just get a board you become part of a community, if I got stuck on something I would comb the forums and duet help pages for answers, if I did not find what I was looking for I posted a question and someone in that community has always shot back a suggestion, link or answer to get me moving in the right direction.
RE: Does Panel Due support a password or PIN for access?
Hey I am new here, My first printer was a kit that I upgraded to a smoothie board. My second printer I built from the ground up (1m delta) with duet wifi, panel due, and smart effector. Duet wifi is amazing in comparison to the smoothie. I just got done installing panel due, was fiddling with it during a print and accidentally hit the home button, then frantically started pushing buttons to stop it, LOL end state, I crashed the effector, but only seemed to have broke stuff i can reprint easily.
I would like to vote for any type of screen lock please. Possibly disable certain functions during a print.
Is there any literature on what other buttons in panel due are for, "Start_Network"
DC42, thank you for all you do, it amazes me how active you are, and I am in awe with all of the tech I use that you have designed. hopefully one day I get to shake your hand.
RE: Kossel + Duet3D + titan + volcano = quick printing?
I agree with @Danal ,I have a Bondtech QR pushing plastic through a Bowden fed volcano and it has no issues with running a 1.2mm tip at 50mm/s. My biggest worry is my extruder motor overheating so I put a heat sink on it.
RE: Pressure Advance + Slic3r PE retractions et al ... Funky results
When my PETG quality made a major leap it was when I realized that my first layer being to close to the bed was causing the blobs I was seeing in my 50th layer. Once I gave it a little more room I notices my nozzle was not rolling boogers in the wide open spaces at higher altitudes.
RE: Help with Optical endstop.
@phaedrux I am using a generic endstop I bought off Amazon with good results, I did have to swap two wires going into my duet wifi though because they would have not landed right the way the manufacturer had designed it.
Also you are probably smarter than me but when I first played with these, coming from mechanical endstops I did not realize something had to physically pass between those two black towers to trigger it. Lol
RE: Printing Settings problem
Looking at you prints I can tell you from experience, If you do not give up you will get this, Your stuff looks exactly like mine used to. It gets easier over time and eventually you just look at something and know what to change. When you make changes have some patience and only change one setting at a time in the beginning, then evaluate whether or not your change did what you thought it would.
RE: 3 motor bed leveling and z_max endstops
@t3p3tony maybe I am just not understanding something correctly. In my mind if I could home z_max on each screw, it would give the machine a known place to go to after a power loss when there is a print on the bed already. I still want to use the auto leveling and that map could be reloaded at that point. Is there a better way to do this? Or how is this achievable with the Z_probe as Z_min end stop.
Latest posts made by jackatom74
Destruction and how to prevent it
I built a core xy matchine and had an accident this evening. Mid print someone mistakenly activated auto bed leveling and bad things happened. Is there a way to lock this option out on my panel due or in the config.g so it cannot be activated while printing?
RE: 3 motor bed leveling and z_max endstops
@t3p3tony maybe I am just not understanding something correctly. In my mind if I could home z_max on each screw, it would give the machine a known place to go to after a power loss when there is a print on the bed already. I still want to use the auto leveling and that map could be reloaded at that point. Is there a better way to do this? Or how is this achievable with the Z_probe as Z_min end stop.
3 motor bed leveling and z_max endstops
Is it possible to use 3 z_max endstops to z home when using the 3 motor bed leveling setup on a core xy system? Has anyone done this?
RE: Can anyone help with these print quality issues
I had an issue like this on my old Prusa, I changed settings, calibrated, tuned current, tweaked everything. In the end it was a mechanical problem. One of the horizontal rods that my x carriage rides on had come loose in the mount. I guess what I am trying to say is always look for the obvious first, sometimes we overlook the easy stuff because it looks to easy.
RE: Is the PanelDue necessary to use the Duet?
@Splic3dBread I used mine for 2 months before adding panel due, it makes it more convenient but it is not needed as the web interface you can do using just the duet is superior to anything else I have used. I spent money on a smoothie board before my first duet and it is sitting unused in a box now with no plans to be resurrected.
One other point I did not realize when I first bought the duet, you do not just get a board you become part of a community, if I got stuck on something I would comb the forums and duet help pages for answers, if I did not find what I was looking for I posted a question and someone in that community has always shot back a suggestion, link or answer to get me moving in the right direction.
RE: Kossel + Duet3D + titan + volcano = quick printing?
I agree with @Danal ,I have a Bondtech QR pushing plastic through a Bowden fed volcano and it has no issues with running a 1.2mm tip at 50mm/s. My biggest worry is my extruder motor overheating so I put a heat sink on it.
RE: Printing Settings problem
Looking at you prints I can tell you from experience, If you do not give up you will get this, Your stuff looks exactly like mine used to. It gets easier over time and eventually you just look at something and know what to change. When you make changes have some patience and only change one setting at a time in the beginning, then evaluate whether or not your change did what you thought it would.
RE: Bondtech (or similar) extruders
I am using a Bondtech QR, and it is amazing. I have never jammed or chewed up the filament like I used to on my titan. This was supposed to be a temp solution while I am waiting for a zesty. Now I am not sure if I will go back. If you are gonna Bowden, use a Bondtech QR.