@jay_s_uk even if nothing is wired the led turned on, I tried with another duet 3 and the same config

Best posts made by tom33
RE: output problem
Backlash ball screw
It will be very usefull to add a backlash offset for the changing direction when we use ball screw for example. All the normal screw have backlash (expect turning and grinding ball screw) so we loose accuracy in cnc use.
Is that be possible to add a backlash option in the next 3.5 firmware ?
Thanks !
Latest posts made by tom33
very dangerous behavior on 3.5.3
Hi there is a very dangerous behaviour with userposition and machine position.
I have WCS Z offset (G10 L2 P1 Z40) to avoid collision because I can change the height of my build plate.
When I ask the machine to go the position in a macros for ex
G0 Z50The machine goes well to the userPosition Z50
But if have the same command on the start.g or mesh.g
the machine go to the userposition Z10
In a macro or in the terminal, when you ask for a G90, the machine moves in userPosition, but in start.g and mesh.g the machine moves in machinePosition.
it's only for the Z axis. -
RE: Reprap G-Code syntax now part of RJ TextEd text editor
@OwenD is it possible to use it with visual studio code ?
Heater problem since Change from main board to extension board
Since I have switch my heat chamber in duet1XD output I have tge following problem
Error: Failed to switch off remote heater 4:
config.g for the heating chamber
;Heat chamber M308 S4 P"20.temp0" Y"thermistor" A"Chambre" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; configure sensor 3 as thermistor on pin temp3 M950 H4 C"20.out1" T4 ; create chamber heater output on out3 and map it to sensor 3 M307 H4 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the chamber heater and set PWM limit M141 P0 H4 ; map chamber to heater 3 M570 H4 P999999 T999999 ; 30min extra 20°C tolerance M143 H4 P0 S70 A2 ; set temperature limit for heater 3 to 100C
When I have the message then emergency stop
The problem occur even when the machine doesn't print.
Using MB6HC + 1XD
firmware 3.4.6Thanks !
RE: issue with 1HCL and Quadrature Shaft Encoder
@dc42 I have tried the 3.5.0 rc2 but the problem still persist
as you can see in the picture :
When I turn the machine in open loop mode I don't have problem when I print circle
RE: issue with 1HCL and Quadrature Shaft Encoder
I have tried to home the axis with d0 d2 and d3 with the same results
The encoder have 450 - 650 mm maximum cable length
RE: send gcode command from tinker-board via SPI without DSF
@dc42 perfect, I just need to follow the instruction from this page : https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Machine_configuration/DSF_Other
or this is an other procedure ?
RE: send gcode command from tinker-board via SPI without DSF
@dc42 this is the usb port :
1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-COTG port
2 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A ports
2 x USB 2.0 Pin headerThe otg can use host capability ?
RE: send gcode command from tinker-board via SPI without DSF
@chrishamm something was done for tinkerboard 2 ?
RE: issue with 1HCL and Quadrature Shaft Encoder
@dc42 the problem come from the firmware or the motor ?
Megnetic encoder like this one : https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/fr/nema-17-moteur-pas-a-pas-a-boucle-fermee-65ncm-92oz-in-avec-encodeur-magnetique-1000ppr-4002cpr-17hs24-2104-me1k
Can resolve the problem ?
Thanks !