@jay_s_uk like it, his guide is so good, I got so good initial results after I built my Voron just by adapting his profiles.
I hope his PA calibration will spread, with that generator it is so much easier to do.
Maybe someone can put that into the Duet docs too? https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Tuning/Pressure_advance

Posts made by Alex9779
RE: Pattern Pressure Advance Calibration
RE: Pattern Pressure Advance Calibration
@jay_s_uk said in Pattern Pressure Advance Calibration:
Didn't realize you were here
I have been around since E3D published their BigBox and I switched to a Duet board for it...
RE: Pattern Pressure Advance Calibration
@jay_s_uk I saw you also started a PR, did you begin before I created mine? Sorry if you put some work into it and mine got merged but really appreciated your comments and directions, remembering all the stuff spread around the config files is hard if you don't do it on an everyday basis and just use the machine...
RE: Error messages spam if configured wifi not available
I had a look at the issue but mine is not exactly the same. The info messages just apprea in the console log, and I admit this can clog up the log too but they do not block user input to the main interface as the messages I talk about do...
RE: Error messages spam if configured wifi not available
Hmmm a picture won't tell much and I don't wann apost a large video.
It is basically is startup and then I see following messages each for just a moment:
- HTTP is enabled on port 80
- FTP is disabled
- TELNET is disabled
- Warning: Heater 1 predicted ...
- Error: Accelerometer not found on specified port
- Wifi module started
That's all expected, that is what config.g does to the network, my heater can get too hot and I configured an accelerometer which is not connected,. Then as expected the wifi module starts.
But then it continues:- Error: Wifi module reported: no known networks found
- Wifi module is idle
These two messages then appear in an infinite loop. You have to close the last one and hurry to get to the macros until they pop up again, you close it again and continue to navigate to the macro to active tha AP mode.
After that macro got through all is fine.I could make the macro one of the four possible entries at the main view to get it called quicker. But I normally do not need it and I like to have different entries there, so that is not a real option.
As I said, very annoying, also in a "supervised" environment of freaks all looking at the machine this looks strange
RE: Error messages spam if configured wifi not available
Thanks for your answer...
@droftarts said in Error messages spam if configured wifi not available:
Please post which version of RRF and PanelDue firmware you are using.
Board: Duet 3 Mini 5+ (Mini5plus) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ 3.4.3 (2022-10-05) Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.27 Panel Due firmware version: 3.4.1
@droftarts said in Error messages spam if configured wifi not available:
You should not use M587 in config.g.
I don't, I just wanted ot say I set it with that command to store it in the module.
Thanks for the tips to change config.
I am doing it currently with two macros, though i am just using one because restarting activates default client mode. This is my "Activate AP" macro:M552 S0 G4 S5 M552 S2
I'll have a look at the meta commands, maybe I'll do that, that could be a workaround.
Error messages spam if configured wifi not available
I have a Duet Mini 5+ running in a somehow portable machine I take to meetings and such.
I configured it basically for home use, saved my home wifi and activate HTTP access in config.g, parameters set with M587 because I want it to connect it right away when it is at home.
I created macros to switch wifi modes and create an AP when I want to.My problem is that when the machine is not at home and the wifi is not avaible it spams tons of error messages on startup in the connected PanelDue for 10-20 seconds which is really annoying. After that I am able to use my macro to disable wifi and reactivate it in AP mode.
Is there a way to get rid of those messages or make them not so critical that they don't use the message overlay and maybe are just in the console log?
Alexander -
Duet 3 Mini 5+ 5V current limit enough for 3 NeoPixel LEDs?
Hi dear community,
I want to add a Voron Stealthburner printhead to my new build which supports three NeoPixel LEDs.
The documentation tells that NeoPixels are supported but the 5V current on a Duet 3 Mini 5+ is limited to 1A so an external supply is required for a strip. But I want just three LEDs.
Each LED is rated about 60mA full bright white.
I have also a PanelDue 5i connected and the X/Y hall effect sensor on 5V.
The documentation also says internally the board uses 200-300mA, for the PanelDue I just find some only ratings between 280mA for 4.3'' and 650mA for 7''. No idea what the hall effect sensor board is rated but I don't think thats is much.
So lets assume 180mA for all three LEDs, 350mA for the PanelDue 5i and 300mA internal I use up to 830mA.
Is that reasonable?
Or is that too close to the maximum and what about 3.3V?
Is there and internal 3.3V usage?
I use 3.3V just for the Z endstop switch and a PINDA Z probe.Cheers
Alexander -
Bug creating config with "Dual Stepper Driver Expansion Module"
Hi there,
I tried to create a new config for a Duet3 Mini5+ with the two stepper driver expansion module.
Unfortunately the config tool does not use the correct motor driver numbers.
Drivers on the main board are 0.0 - 0.4, for the expansion module 1.0 and 1.1 are used but according to the documentation here the drivers are numbered 5 and 6, so 0.5 and 0.6.I wanted to create a bug report on Github but that requires to created a thread here...
Alexander -
RE: Duetwifi and paneldue 7“
No idea if there is some other source but I referred to https://miscsolutions.wordpress.com/paneldue/ when updateing the PanelDue FW...
RE: "Smart purge" of BCN
I see your point…
I ist checked one profile with ABS left and PVA right and the values of both are different. So I assume they will also be different for other types of materials. I didn’t find a colour selection...
As far as I can see the Sigma does not cool an inactive hotend but they retract by 8mm upon a change...I have no experience with a Sigma but I just hear good things about it. I just wanted to know how others do that switching. Maybe having a look at how the UM3 does it can’t hurt too...
RE: "Smart purge" of BCN
Yeah the purge amount is the idle time multiplicated with the slope S value. E and P are max and min purge values. F is the speed. I think that shall compensate the filament flowing out of an inactive hot nozzle…
"Smart purge" of BCN
I was wondering how BCN does that tool changing of their Sigma and did browse through their profiles they supply for S3D and their firmware on Github.
It seems they implemented an M800 command, not documented on reprap.org, which they call "Smart purge".
See here https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/blob/master/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp#L7992.
There are two options, I think they use the second one at the moment with parameters 'F', 'S', 'E' and 'P'.
Basically they measure the time an extruder has been inactive, that code is implemented in the screen update loop, there they count the seconds.
And in the M800 command then they use this to calculate the distance to purge.
In the S3D profile they use 'M800 F9.41 S0.0011 E9.0 P1.62' for their ABS material and 'M800 F8.46 S0.0154 E9.9 P1.78' for their PVA material. So the values appear to be really tuned for every material.What do you think of this method of doing a purge upon tool change?
An different approach to achieve a similar goal would be to implement some gcode commands to create variables and do calculations with them in gcode. Like saving the current time with a gcode to a variable when activating a tool. Substract that value from the current time and multiply it with some other value, all in a gcode command like 'G1' to calculate the values of the paramters for that command.
That would be pretty cool. And this would also solve some other thing I have in mind, like calculating the idle temperature based on the acitve temperature if your slicer just supports the active temperature as all slicers I know do. That would be cool… -
RE: Problems changing extrusion multiplier with PanelDue
Cool I knew there was a newer version but the release notes didn’t contain anything interesting for me so I didn’t update yet…
Problems changing extrusion multiplier with PanelDue
Ok I am running the DWF with a DueX2 and a 4.3'' PanelDue with Firmware 1.16.
I have two tools and recently I wanted to change the extrusion multiplier while printing with both tools.
But it didn't work. I hit the "100" of the second tool and adjusted the multiplier and then hit "SET". I saw for a second the multiplier chaning but then going back to "100" but the multiplier of the first tool changed instead. At least it showed that number…Changing with the WebIF works so...
RE: Still problems with messages in DWC
Hmmmmmm seems I got this fixed for me…
Inserted a /rr_disconnect GET request just after I get the status and now it seems working without old log messages. I just get in return what should be returned...Thanks for the hint! There are so many aspects and stuff to look at and to have in mind. Thank god David knows all this
RE: Still problems with messages in DWC
Ok that with two browsers is new to me…
I have reachability checks and an auto power off with NodeRed implemented after 30 minutes idle.
This check run with HTTP so this might be the second browser... -
RE: PT100 weirdness
Ok got the new daughter board today. At first thanks to Tony/David for the quick replacement!
Tested with two resistors on the DWF first and the readings have been reasonable.
I monitored the PT100 connections for any leak voltage when moving carriages, switching on heaters and fans to be sure there is not voltage on the heater channel by accident. No voltage could be monitored so.
Then connected both PT100 and looks good for now: