Like I said, I'm a first time user on the forum, so sorry if this comes out wrong.
Congi.g here
;; Communications
;; Disable debugging output.
M111 S0
;; Machine name, which will be displayed on the LCD screen. Please note that
;; this setting does not change the name of your printer as seen by your WiFi
;; router, as this setting is stored on the WiFi chip.
M550 PIcarus
;; Set the IP address of the printer. '' means the printer should use
;; the DHCP server on your WiFi router to get an IP address. In most cases,
;; this will work without any trouble. If this does not work and you do not
;; have control over the network you are trying to use, contact your system
;; administrator for assistance.
M552 P0.0.0.0
;; Set the netmask. '' is the correct setting for most cases.
;; If this doesn't work for you and you don't have control of your network,
;; contact your system administrator for assistance.
M553 P255.255.255.0
;; Use Marlin-like output for GCode responses. If you use an alternative host
;; to control your Horizon H1, select "Marlin" for the firmware type.
M555 P2
;; For LCD Screen (PanelDue): Require checksums (S1) and set the serial port
;; to 57600 baud.
M575 P1 B57600 S1
;; Set the password for all external interfaces into the machine such as the
;; web interface, telnet, etc. The default password is "printit". To override,
;; issue M551 P<your password without spaces or special characters> and then
;; issue M500 to save your changes.
M551 Pprintit
;; Enable the WiFi chip on the board. This command will cause the WiFi chip
;; to connect to its configured network (if set and the network is responsive).
;; If the network cannot be reached or no network has been
;; configured yet, this command will create a WiFi hotspot
;; named "Duet Wifi." You can connect to this access point
;; and configure your Horizon H1. After connecting to the "Duet WiFi" network,
;; go to and follow the instructions.
M552 S1
;; Motion configuration
;; Configure drive mapping for Z. Z uses four stepper motors moving together,
;; connected to drives 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the Duex2 expansion board.
;; In clockwise order from the front of the machine, drive 5 is the back right
;; motor, 6 is the front right motor, 7 is the front left motor and 8 is the
;; back left motor.
M584 Z5:6:7:8
;; Endstop configuration.
;; We home the machine at X,Y min (X1 Y1) using mechanical endstops.
;; Z has a max endstop (Z1).
;; We use normally-closed switches (S1).
M574 X1 Y1 Z1 S1
;; Obey build volume dimensions by default.
M564 S1
;; Set units to millimeters.
;; Use absolute coordinates.
;; Set minimum travel (S1) for each axis.
;; (-22.5, 0, 0) is the homing position for the Horizon H1.
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1
;; Set the build volume to 355 mm x 240 mm x 248 mm.
M208 X255 Y240 Z177
;; Set drive directions. All steppers are connected to the board in the same
;; orientation at the factory. The firmware defines the proper step direction
;; for each motor.
;; X motor goes forward
M569 P0 S1
;; Y motor goes backward
M569 P1 S0
;; Z motor goes forward
M569 P2 S1
;; Extruder (E0) motor goes forward
M569 P3 S0
;; Set motor currents for X, Y, Z and extruder (E0) in milliamps.
;; We use a 100% idle current (I1) so that the motors remain locked once
;; enabled.
;; We set Z separately from the rest to ensure it is set correctly despite our
;; mapping of the Z drives.
M906 X1400 Y1400 E950 I100
M906 Z1400
;; Define steps per millimeter for X, Y Z and extruder (E0).
M92 X80 Y80 Z160 E281.38
;; Set acceleration in mm/s^2 for X, Y Z and extruder (E0).
M201 X5000 Y5000 Z2000 E10000
;; Set the maximum speed in mm/min for X, Y, Z and extruder (E0).
;; X, Y at 30000 mm/min = 500 mm/s
;; Z at 240 mm/min = 4 mm/s
;; E at 2000 mm/min = 33 mm/s
M203 X30000 Y30000 Z2000 E2000
;; Set the maximum standing start ("jerk") speed in mm/min for X, Y, Z and
;; extruder (E0).
;; X, Y at 1800 mm/min = 30 mm/s
;; Z at 150 mm/min = 2.5 mm/s
;; E at 30 mm/min = 0.5 mm/s
M566 X1800 Y1800 Z150 E30
;; Heater and Thermistor Configuration
;; Set the maximum HotEnd temperature to 290C.
;; Reaching 300C or above WILL damage the thermistor in your E3D v6!
M143 S290
;; Bed thermistor configuration for the Cantherm MF52A1104F4150 thermistor
;; on Calidum HALE 8" x 8" 12v heat bed.
;; Datasheet URL: http://www.cantherm.com/media/productPDF/cantherm_mf52_1.pdf
M305 P0 T100000 B4150 R4700 H0 L0
;; Extruders (E0) - E3D v6 thermistor configuration for the Semitec
;; 104GT-2 thermistor.
;; Datasheet URL: http://www.atcsemitec.co.uk/gt-2-glass-thermistors.html
;; E3D Wiki page listing the recommended B and C values:
;; https://wiki.e3d-online.com/wiki/E3D-v6_Assembly
M305 P1 T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 R4700 H0 L0
;; Give extruder 3 minutes to reach the target temperature. If it does not,
;; trigger a heater fault (cancel all heating).
M570 S180
;;Extruder (E0) uses drive 0, heater 1.
M563 P0 D0 H1
;; Extruder uses 1.75 mm filament and a 0.6 mm nozzle stock.
M404 N1.75 D0.6
;; Set heating process parameters for the Calidum HALE 8" x 8" 12v
;; Retrieved using the following commands:
;; M303 H0 S100
;; M307 H0
M307 H0 A139.8 C516.6 D7.7 S1.00 B0 ; B0 disables bang-bang
;; Set heating process parameters for the E3D v6 12v
;; Retrieved using the following commands:
;; M106 S255
;; M303 H1 S245
;; M307 H1
M307 H1 A438.8 C154.1 D6.0 S1.00 B0 ; B0 disables bang-bang
M307 H2 A438.8 C154.1 D6.0 S1.00 B0 ; B0 disables bang-bang
;; Operate fan 1 in thermostatic mode, activating when the extruders
;; (E0) get at or above 45C.
M106 P1 T45 H1
;; Set bed and HotEnd active/standby temperatures to zero, and
;; configure nozzle offsets. P0 is the left nozzle, and P1 is the right
;; nozzle, corresponding to extruder drives E0 and E1.
M140 S0
G10 P0 S0 R0 X9 Y-9
;;Activate tool 0 (E0), as it is the only extruder on the machine
;; Load additional settings from config-override.g, if it exists. You should
;; use config-override.g to change settings, instead of altering this file.
homez.g here
;; Use relative coordinates.
;; Move Z down 10 mm and obey max limit switch.
G1 Z10 F240 S1
;; Use absolute coordinates.
;; Move probe to X20 Y-02 (based on X0 Y12 offset)
G1 X20 Y-02 F3600
;; Probe.
;; Move Z to nozzle.
G1 Z0 F200/>
Thanks again