Best posts made by boldnuts
RE: Haydn huntley's magball delta arms out of stock
@reckham I have a set of 360mm for sale with ball stud ends, pm me if interested
RE: RepRapFirmware 2.04RC3 now available
Previous P value was that has worked ok for the last 2 years was 5 and the new one that now works ok is 25
RE: Is the PanelDue necessary to use the Duet?
Yes, that's how I am using mine, very easy to use this way
RE: Heating error sometimes. (Solved)
Have you set max temp up? up
M305 P0 T100000 B4607 C8.950070e-8 R4700 ; BED : Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0
M143 H0 S130 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 130C - BED HEATER -
RE: Smart Effector: Cannot mount stock cooling fan
@dgrat I have also been using mine for the last few years as shown in picture two with no issues at all.
RE: Another Predator
@Carlo can we see your start gcode from your slicer?, you using G32 (calibrate) before printing?, maybe G29 S1 to load the bed mesh?
RE: Who's printing masks, respirators, etc?
Currently printing these face shields for Liverpool and Whiston hospitals in the UK, ,
RE: [not yet solved] Tevo Little Monster DuetWifi errors
Print and install these, then you can disable all motors after printing
RE: Chip burned... I need a new one :(
I have a new unused one that you can have cheap, what's your location?
RE: Duet 3 Mini 5+ Tevo Little Monster conversion
I use an 0.6 nozzle on my very modified "Little Monster" which was relatively easy to dial in, looking at yours there could be some over extruding going on, have you calibrated your extruder?.