It fails to connect longer.
I just followed the instructions and gave it a Reset with a jumper on erase. Any else i could do?
Can't I run it from its own Micro SD with its firmware and remove the Pi?
The powered usb Hub didn't help at all to flash it from a PC. I think 5 Volt on its output is still to low and it must be a usb 3 Hub with quick charge function which are quite expensive.

Posts made by Flex3D
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
@bearer said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
it is possible there is something wrong with the board, but thats less likely as it was responding to dcs for the update.
you're connecting the micro usb port of the duet 3 to one of the full size usb b ports on the pi? the pi doesn't need drivers to see the serial port, which is why its often a better alternative to windows.
you can install lsusb with
sudo apt install usbutils
but it should be present, and it most likely won't show anything of interest as the pi isn't detecting the duet.dmesg | tail -n 20
may be more relevant, shortly (a second or two) after plugging the usb cable in the duet.K, Thanks. I will sort that out tomorrow.
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
@Phaedrux said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
Pretty much any cheap usb hub would do. Also try other ports, or a different PC or laptop.
Seems not. Same issue like you have to use a USB Type C Charger to power up the Duet and RPi at the first Preconfig.
My new USB Power Hub with Power Plug makes no difference but seems to be USB 2.1 and has to low Voltage Output. -
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
@bearer said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
@Flex3D said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
what did you mean with lsusb? Command not found.
it just lists the usb devices on the pi (to be run in ssh shell or terminal. but as long as the script said it couldn't find /dev/ttyACM0 then odds are its a connectivity issue
I bought jesterday a new usb type B Cable so there should be no reason for. Else ones flying around here aren't working too.
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
@bearer what did you mean with lsusb? Command not found.
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
Flex3D 26 May 2020, 23:34
@bearer wget https://pastebin.com/raw/Wa1kYf3G -O - | tr -d "\r" | bash was written to stdout, than i've made a reboot. The board fails to connect to DCS like before
By the Way, I bought a USB Powerhub which made no difference -
RE: Duet3 0.6 Issues
sorry, i was in the wrong topic thread searching for the command wget.
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
@Phaedrux said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
Nothing shows up in device manager?
Do you have a USB hub, preferably powered, to put between the pc and duet?
No, do you have a link to a good powered USB Hub?
Can't i get these firmware elsewise on the Duet? I i will try tomorrow those Command from @bearer with a erased Board if that may help. -
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
@bearer said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
@Flex3D looks like you're still on the 3.0-beta12 the board likely shipped with, and its probably easier to connect the Duet3's micro USB port to the Pi and run the Bossa update, no need to disconnect the ribbon cable. The alternative would be to try and update to 3.0, them 3.1.0, then 3.1.1.
Seeing as you have functioning firmware (responds to M115) running the command below should send the command
command to the duet and start bossa to flash the firmware found in the reprapfirmware package.(or if you have the Duet connected to the pi via USB just run
wget https://pastebin.com/raw/Wa1kYf3G -O - | tr -d "\r" | bash
)or follow the documentation.
ref update via usb https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Getting_Started_With_Duet_3#Section_Updating_Duet_3_main_board_firmware
I bridged the erase function like told in dozuki to reset it first and gave it a reboot. Than i connected the duet to my PC and it now has issues to identify the duet board itself. I bought a new usb micro cable too, to be sure but it's not working at all. Bossa shows me an error.
At least the blinking red light is off now but it's not possible to flash anything with bossa at the PC or to enter any G-Code...
RE: Duet3 - firmware update with RPi
i still have the same Fault. I was just using sudo apt-get upgrade and update. The Flash fails and now i'm a bit curious about if i need to make a hard reset with the Jumper, unplug the ribbon cable to the Pi, take a other usb to micro usb as a connection to the Duet micro usb port?
Bossa is already installed on the Pi Image.
When i will make the Reset, the ribbon cable must be unplugged from the Pi to the Duet and than i can power it like usual from the VIN, make the reset and after with the USB to micro USB cable i should flash it?
Sorry this is a bit wired for me and i'm stuck there before the sudo update and upgrade it seems to work like normal and now it doesn't read out any sensors.
It should not be possible to disassemble the whole Board again to just make a firmware upgrade and to reassemble it any time or is it?22/05/2020, 16:41:56 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Miscellaneous"
22/05/2020, 16:41:56 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Custom settings are not defined"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Tools"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Fans"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Warning: heater 0 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 365C.
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Heaters"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Filament Sensor"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Endstops"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Axis Limits"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Z-Probe"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Driver 2 does not support x0 microstepping with interpolation
Driver 3 does not support x0 microstepping with interpolation
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Error: Bad command: Q0 @"Drives"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Connection established
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Bad command: Q0 @"Configuration file for Duet 3 (firmware version 3)"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Bad command: Q0 @"General preferences"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Bad command: Q0 @"generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2.1.8 on Thu May 21 2020 14:04:30 GMT+0100 "
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Bad command: Q0 @""
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Bad command: Q0 @"executed by the firmware on start-up"
22/05/2020, 16:41:53 Incompatible firmware, please upgrade as soon as possible
22/05/2020, 16:41:44 m997
Error: Operation has been cancelled
22/05/2020, 16:41:44 Error: Could not flash the firmware binary after 3 attempts. Please install it manually via bossac.
m115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.0beta12 ELECTRONICS: Duet 3 MB6HC FIRMWARE_DATE: 2019-11-02b1 -
RE: Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check
@Danal said in Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check:
@Flex3D said in Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check:
Thanks, it's the same as yours. Switch number 1 is on and the other 3 are on off.
AHA! They sure are. They fooled me the first time I looked at the photo, even enlarged.
It's no bother.
Now i'm at the cofig.g and having some wired points like my Z Probe is my z Endstop. Can i leave it even blanc or do risk a hot bed crash?; Endstops
M574 X1 S0 P"io1.in" ; configure active-low endstop for low end on X via pin io1.in
M574 Y1 S0 P"io0.in" ; configure active-low endstop for low end on Y via pin io0.in
M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z; Z-Probe
M558 P1 C"io3.in" H5 F120 T6000 ; set Z probe type to unmodulated and the dive height + speeds
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z2.5 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X15:300 Y15:300 S20 ; define mesh grid -
RE: Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check
@Danal said in Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check:
I can't see the jumpers for you Pi power, there is a yellow cable crossing in front of them. Double check them per the wiring diagram.
INT 5 EN and 5V TO SBC are bridged so that the SBC gets the power from the Duet.
Thanks, so i will plug it in and make a Duet Pi upgrade via sudo apt-get update / upgrade from its Screen, Keyboard and Mouse which are plugged in. -
RE: Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check
@Danal said in Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check:
You need to set the CAN address on your expansion board. It is currently set to 0, and this will cause no end of grief.
Little switches, on a red block, upper left of 3HC in your photos. Look carefully at mine (which are lower right, and black) and set it like my first board.
Thanks, it's the same as yours. Switch number 1 is on and the other 3 are on off.
Duet3 6Hc + Duex 3Hc with Raspberry 3B+ Wiring Check
Due to the circumstances my Duet3 6hc 1.0 + Duex 3HC + Rasp. 3b+ Printer was left a bit behind for a while .Does this final wiring look okay for you, or can you see any shortage which may happen if i turn it on?
*The Power Supply is 12v 360w and all its components are 12V
*The Raspberry is flashed with the Duet3 Pi iso and was booted like told in the instructions before with the Mainboard.My Hotbed does not seem to show me minus or plus poles, can this be critical for the Duet3?
The Power for the Hotbed goes in directly from the Power Supply to the second +- crimp connector and leaves over the Crimp 3 out connector into the Hotbed.On the Crimp connector Bay 1 is the Power from Power Supply and the Duex3 HC Board chain bridged.
At the Duex 3 itself is just jumper 1 turned to on from the 4 switches.Correct me if i'm wrong or please tell me if i may missed some.
Please take a look and check if you can find any critical faults so fae that i can give it a go without risking it.
Many Thanks for any advice.
RE: Duet 3 SBC ribbon wiring and power related questions
@droftarts @Danal Thanks. Works like a charme.
RE: Duet 3 SBC ribbon wiring and power related questions
@droftarts Thanks for the fast Reply. So i'll try to boot it up and check if the inputs 'll work with 5v to SBC.
Duet 3 SBC ribbon wiring and power related questions
Duet3 6hc 1.0 + Duet 3 3hc 1.0 expansion board & Rasp. Pi 3 b+ (1080p DC powered Screen + keyboard and mouse hooked up to the 5v-pi)Hi,
I made my way through a bunch of crimped Cables, soldering and pre-wiring to that point where i want to plug it in for its first life signs on a provisorical MDF sheet screwed on with usual female Pc motherboard distancer. (* for some angles i've taken smaller male head screws to prevent platine damage, especially on the SBC)
is the ribbon cable orientation to the Pi correct , because it seems to be mirrored by its connectors when i compared it to Dozuki . May it varie?

May i need to power the Raspberry by its own charging adapter and switch the the Jumpers on the duet for 5 V power Options, in case of the hooked up low power keyboard and mouse to the SBC, because 5 v is not enough for the mouse and its keyboard?
It seems to be a bit confusing for me that it will boot up straight when i plug it in to the Charger but that's the way to go?Thanks for any further advices.