Best posts made by fma
RE: A bit confused about fans in the WebUI
What about just putting an index in front of the fan currently used as tool fan?
RE: 5-axis 3D printing
I uploaded a short video showing this print:
RE: Amazing use of Duet electronics by E3D
An alternative would be to continuously extrude a tiny amount of filament on parked heads…
RE: Dual hotend, one motor possible?
We (at LOG hackerspace) designed such dual extruder using one motor. It is not driven by a Duet, but it should work.
Here is our design: https://wiki.logre.eu/index.php/DondoLOG based on this one: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:673816 (we changed a lot of things, leading to a much more simple geometry).
Onshape designs are here: Mine¹: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/ab5e4a91e08de464a68c8fa9/w/d1a6bf327030002f2355aebe/e/4fc76c1855ace35a39166ba3 (using aluminium plates) and a derivated, made by a friend: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/44cc3aa0e2de59f4440a6e4b/w/58c86854d8b2aa8e76983bb9/e/82ef35419fb25e023c2c8b7d (using PMMA 6mm).
Feel free to ask if you want more details. Note that the second design is now working (see https://piwigo.logre.eu/picture.php?/1139, https://piwigo.logre.eu/picture.php?/1239 and https://piwigo.logre.eu/picture.php?/1286); I never tested mine...
¹ my design means to me, as it is my very first usage of Onshape (and first time I ever used a parametric CAD software).
RE: RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released
David, could it be possible to change the revision numbering and the way releases are managed?
I suggested in another thread to use a.b.c: 'a' for major release (3, here), 'b' for minor release (0, here), and 'c' for bug fixes.
Currently, installing a new release for bugs fix introduces new features, so potentially new bugs: this is not a good thing. One should be able to dissociate bugs fix and new features...
So, after the current release, which should be named 3.0.0, the next one should be named 3.1.0 (not 3.01). And bugs fix should go into 3.0.x (then in 3.1.x...)
RE: Cancel individual part(s)
Here is a very simple Python script to implement Ian's idea:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys for line in sys.stdin: # Replace tool changing commands by part changing tags if line.startswith('T'): num = int(line[1:]) print "; part %d\n; process %d" % (num, num) else: args = line.split() # Only keep tool 0 temperature commands if line.startswith('M104') or line.startswith('M109'): args = line.split() num = int(args[2][1:]) if num == 0: print line, # Default commands else: print line,
It replaces tool changing commands:
; part n ; process n
It also remove all temperature commands of tools >= 1.
To use it:
$ ./tool_parser.py <input.gcode >output.gcode
PS: I only checked Slic3r output; Cura output may need additional stuff.
RE: New M-code to send a network request
M260 can send data over I²C bus:
On the I²C slave, just mimic some registers you will write from Duet to take the actions you need.
I recently developped a project using an ATtiny841 as I²C slave (this chip as a hardware I²C slave implementation), working this way. See:
This is for an hexapod (I will use 6 of them, to control the 4 servos of each leg). But I will certainly use this chip for other projects, like here.
Code in Arduino/ dir is a master example; the real master will be a RPi, running my framework Py4bot: https://framagit.org/fma38/Py4bot
RE: Tool Free Macro not Working
I'm also working on such filament mux, with multiple tools using the same heater, and I didn't have this problem. Could you share your tfree macro, and tell us what commands are skipped?
Thermostatic fan for drivers
I plan to use 2 fans to cool down the drivers, as my Duetwifi/x5 will be in a box.
Is it possible to create a thermostatic fan, routed to a specific thermistor, without any heater? If not, how should I create a dummy heater for that?
RE: Changeable Z babystep icons.
I also find the icons confusing. I propose icons like:
Or even just the arrows…
Would it be possible to implement plugins in RRF? The idea is to be able to add functionalities by only compiling a small piece of code, and upload it to the SD card...
For example, adding a new type of temperature sensor, or support a specific board to add outputs (like the one on I²C bus)...
RE: Duet support for Digital Servos?
I successfully drove a TowerPro MG996R, which is a digital servo. I mean, it has a digital internal closed-loop system, and is controlled the same way as analog ones.
Your servo, however, is smarter: it can be programmed through the control pin. It should work as any other servos work, by driving a 50Hz signal on the control pin, and it does with Arduino. There is something in the Duet signal messing up the internal electronic of your servo, but I don't see what.
RE: Pushing my heated chamber temperatures to the limit
@christoph13524 said in Pushing my heated chamber temperatures to the limit:
Interesting to hear that a better insulation would be that much more effective
All is about insulation! You can't reach target temp because loss are too high regarding the input power. Reducing loss, and you don't need such high power.
If you have a infinite insulation, then, once heated up, you don't need anymore power to keep it hot ;o) Same as supra-conductive wires: no more Joule loss.
RE: Ideas for a successor of DWC
@dc42 said in Ideas for a successor of DWC:
Me too. Perhaps we could have a drop down list giving the last 8 or so commands sent, after removing duplicates?
When using DWC on a desktop computer, with a keyboard, using the up arrow key to select previous commands, like in linux shell, is much better. But it does not work with a tablet, with only touch screen... So, both systems should be implemented (with more than 8 commands in the history for keyboard usage).
And for keyboard usage, history search should take care of the first chars entered (if I start writing G1, using the up arrow key should only show me commands in the history starting with G1).
Dual disc polar printer support
I haven't read you for a while, being busy with other projects...
I plan to build another 3D printer, and started over my CoreXY design (to simplify it). But I just found this nice design:
Is such hardware supported by RRF? Or does it need further devs?
Is it complicated to calibrate such printer?
Thanks for your advice.
RE: Request (if possible) for greater consistency in G-codes
@dc42 said in Request (if possible) for greater consistency in G-codes:
Unfortunately, we have to be compatible with other firmwares, so maintaining a logical use of parameters isn't always possible.
Well, the most important is to be compatible with slicers... I mean, you need to implement G-Codes the way they use them.
On the other hand, G-Codes which are used for configuration, or special stuffs slicers don't directly handle, and where people have to manually define in custom scripts (servo usage, for example, as we discussed a few days ago), I'm not sure it is a good idea to always follow other firmwares; It is sometimes better to define new standards.
RE: Too much part cooling? PLA
I think it is best to have minium of cooling. The less you cool the parts, the stronger they are, as the layers fused better. A lot of areas can be printed without cooling, as long as they have no sharp corners or small perimeters (it could be nice to have a parameter to modulate the fan speed depending on the direction change of the nozzle; so, in straight lines, the fan stays at very minimum).
I use a berd air pump, which pushes air through 3 little tubes (2mm inside diamter), oriented just below the nozzle, so they cool the filament as soon as it goes out, without cooling the nozzle. On the other hand, I don't print that fast (the melt zone of my hotend is too cshort).
BTW, blowing air at higher temperature than ambiant should be better. For example, Stratasys machines maintain the chamber at 100°C, and the (big) fans take this hot air and push it onto the nozzle. As they use 300W or so cartrigdes, they donc have heater fault problems
For PLA, I would try to heat the cooling air to 50°C.
RE: Baby step during a long linear move? Baby step other Axes?
Or to correct a layer shift... Would be nice!