Thanks guys. I must be dyslexic?

Posts made by handyandy
RE: Error message I can't get rid of
RE: Error message I can't get rid of
Thanks for your help. Requestewd files follow... config.g Cura-end.g Cura-Start.g -
Error message I can't get rid of
Whenever I start a print I always get an error message after a couple of minutes. I select start and the program begins with a cold bed levelling routine (in start.g) then running code I have in my Cura start code it heats up the bed to 80C. I then allways get this error message...
"Error: M190: Temperature too high for heater 0" in a red box at the bottom of the display.
This comes just before it heats the nozzle to 175C and repeats the bed levelling in hot mode. Everything in config.g for the bed (110C) and nozzle (300C) max temperatures looks correct.
After the ebd levelling the rest of the program runs perfectly; bed and nozzle temperature increase to the cortrect filament settings and I generally get perfect prints.I just don't know what causes the error message. Help please.
DWC does not connect to PC browser
Hi, I hope someone here can help with this, as it's beginning to annoy me! Everything used to work fine when using Chrome, I ran DWC from the browser with no problems. If I used Edge it would very occasionally fail to connect in a similar manner.
The only thing of note that has changed is that in late February I had a dispute with Micosoft re 365, I ended up removing that software and totally re-installing Windows 11 and all my apps.
I am now trying to re-commision my 3d printer that runs via a Duet 3 mini 5 controller and has a PanelDue display connected. There have been no changes at all since before.
My problem is that, now when I try to run DWC from the browser I constantly get the error message 'This site ca't be reached refused to connect'. The PanelDue displays all the correct messages to say it has connected with WiFi to
Please, any help with this would be great.
Set decimal places
I would like to echo the value of 'heat.heaters[1].current' in the following line of code as an integer (i.e. no decimal places). Currently it always displays it with to two decimal places.echo "Heating the nozzle to " ^ global.filamentTemp ^ ", it's currently " ^ heat.heaters[1].current ^ "°C"
It must be easy but I'm feeling a bit thick today!
RE: Sensorless homing
@jay_s_uk Hi, I've not uploaded files here before so I hope I'm doing it right!
Whilst you are looking at these I also can't get the PanelDue to display.
Any Ideas? -
Sensorless homing
Hi, I had been getting on fine with sensorless homing with my duet3mini5 board. Both the X & Y axis were homing almost silently and ultra-repeatable with just one contact needed to work.
However, I was getting an error message with the X-axis, it came up as...
"Error: Pin name needed for switch type end stop on X-axis ". I don't understand this homex.g is identical to home.y (except X's and Y's! of course). Why is it asking for a pin name when it's sensorless ? -
RE: RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool results printout
@chrishamm thanks I tried that but the printout does not show all the details in the original web page. I could not find the PDF option anywhere. Where is it?
Split long program lines
Hi, I have asked this before but didn't really get a reply.
Is it possible to split long lines of code, typically M291 lines over 2 (or more) lines of code?
These lines can easily stretch to 150 columns or more. When comparing files in 2 side by side windows it can make reading the code difficult.
I would like to be able to split these lines at some point so they are physically spread over 2 (or more) lines in my text editor ( I use sublime). -
RE: RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool results printout
@chrishamm I was actually looking to be able to have a hard copy (printout)
RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool results printout
Hi, Just a quick one.
Is it possible to get a full printout of the results from the Reprap configuration tool?
If I click on the open file and select print I only get parts of it printed. I really want a good print with all the alterations I've made.
I presume this because its a webpage not a text file as such.
Is this possible? -
LED nozzle light?
Hi, I have a few 5V LED blades designed to fit into USB ports that I think are fabulous.
I would like to use one to illuminate the nozzle and surrounding area on my printer.
I am using a Duet 3 mini 5+ running with a 24 V supply.
How could I connect this, ideally being able to control it with gcode?
Any ideas would be very welcome, especially with with some coding suggestions. -
RE: Panel Due 7 from Duet 2 WIFI to Duet 3 mini5+
@handyandy Hi, I have just spotted the solution to this at the end of the 'Getting Started' document. I should RTFM more!
Panel Due 7 from Duet 2 WIFI to Duet 3 mini5+
Hi, I replacing my Duet2 WIFI board with a Duet 3 mini 5+ board. Previously my Panel Due 7 connected with a 4 wire connection. I don't want to use the ribbon cable method. I can't see anywhere on the new board for this to work Can anyone help please?
Fan1 Stuck on!
Hi, I am working through a new build printer and have another problem.
Using my Duet 2 WIFI board I have Fan0 connected as the print cooling fan and Fan1 as the extruder fan as you would expect with the following lines in my config.g file.M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8
; Configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin e0temp
M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; Create nozzle heater output on e0heat and map it to sensor 1
M307 H1 B0 S1.00 ; Disable bang-bang mode for heater and set PWM limit
M307 H1 R4.153 K0.495:0.000 D3.20 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V24.3 ; Results from act PID tuning
M143 H1 S290 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1°C to 290°C
M950 F0 C"fan0" Q500 ; Create fan 0 on pin fan0 and set its frequency
M106 P0 S0 H-1 ; Set fan 0 value. Thermostatic control is turned off
M950 F1 C"fan1" Q500 ; Create fan 1 on pin fan1 and set its frequency
M106 P1 S1 H1 T45 ; Set fan 1 value. Thermostatic control is turned on at 45°C
M563 P0 S"Extruder" D0 H1 F0 ; Define tool 0 (extruder)
G10 P0 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0°CThe problem is that whenever I turn the printer on fan1 is on full speed and will not turn off.
I Have a spare fan and have tried it in all 3 fan positions. In fan0 and fan3 it works perfectly. The speed can be altered as required or switch off by sending the M106 commands directly to the dashboard. In fan1 the fan will only run at full speed and can not be turned off. This is a simple test but seems to pinpoint a now faulty board.
None of this happened before the rebuild as is always the case!!
I think it was during PID tuning that something happened? I completed the bed fine, but the nozzle seemed to be working as expected until nearly over then the red graph line suddenly became extremely erratic with wild fluctuations in the stated temperatures as well. I also briefly saw a warning for (I think) an open circuit.
Do you think a heater/thermistor fault in the Hemera Revo extruder has fried one of the mosfets on the Duet?
The only solution I can see at the moment is to replace the board (with what?) and the Revo heater/thermistor block?