I'll appreciate some feedback on the tutorial . Thanks for the brave who are trying the Bluetooth COM

Posts made by jackantubis
RE: Bluetooth PanelDue, less com issues
RE: Bluetooth PanelDue, less com issues
First revision of the tutorial for the bluetooth PanelDue
RE: Bluetooth PanelDue, less com issues
Hc05: https://a.aliexpress.com/_EGOKr6V
5V UPS: I just found this on AliExpress:
1,47€ | Mini 5V 1A UPS Uninterrupted Output Module 2 in 1 Charge Discharge 3.7V 3.8V 4.2V Li-Ion Li-Polymer 18650 Battery Charger Board
https://a.aliexpress.com/_EIco57n1x 18650 li-ion battery or other flat li-ion battery.
1 switch from the shelve.
My design for the case.
RE: Bluetooth PanelDue, less com issues
@Notepad yes you need to pair them Master and slave with right speed and right wiring, if you have 2 HC05 and a USB to TTL you can build a minimal setup with a power bank to supply the micro usb.
Bluetooth PanelDue, less com issues
I made my PanelDue wireless to keep it close to me and removing the regular and unknow com error in the web interface.
- magnetic mount on the printer + soon charging with contact pins on the back instead of the usb connector.
You can't use the SD embeded port wireless (bad idea anyway).
Sorry for non official screenprobably working as good on official.
- magnetic mount on the printer + soon charging with contact pins on the back instead of the usb connector.
RE: CPAP/Centrifugal Blower
I have the same type of CPAP, I can't go under 15% too, the board seems to have a minimum voltage startup. @dhusolo
Maybe you can configure in RRF 0% for the slicer matching 15% for the FAN to keep easier slicer setting to avoid false 0% with 10% set in the slicer. @dc42 ?
If someone found the CPAP board schematics I could investigate deeply (I'm electronic engineer)
RE: Software version 3.4.2 now available
I agree too, 1 "cofee" or more a month is not too much for me (+official board) compared to software updates
I already do this for "SuperSlicer" and give 2€/month and others do the same on Github. -
RE: CPAP blower fan?
; Fans
M950 F0 C"duex.pwm2" Q2000 ;CPAPFAN
M950 F1 C"fan1" ; Fan 1, Dragon HF hotend fan on Tool 0
M950 F2 C"duex.fan4" ; Fan 3, Dragon HF hotend fan on Tool 1
M950 F3 C"duex.fan6" ; Fan 5, Dragon HF hotend fan on Tool 2
M950 F4 C"fan2" Q20000 ; Fan 6, cooling duet board 20000Hz
M950 F5 C"duex.e4heat";lightsM106 P0 X0.7 C"Part Cooler" ; CPAP
M106 P1 S1.0 T45 H1 ; Dragon HF Tool 0 Hotend Fan
M106 P2 S1.0 T45 H2 ; Dragon HF Tool 1 Hotend Fan
M106 P3 S1.0 T45 H3 ; Dragon HF Tool 2 Hotend Fan
M106 P4 H5 L100 X150 B0.05 T32:40 -
RE: Issues with pressure advance since RRF 3.4
I have same kind of issues since 3.4.
Maybe the Pressure Advance don't have a 3rd order compensation for speed variation, could be a good update.
Made 4 measurements at different speed, make the equation in excel.
Can we add this with "Duet programming Gcode" ? -
RE: Displaying current extrusion volume possible?
Yes for me it's max flow calibration of each new filament (avoid manual calculation). Sometimes too much monitoring is too much but love to see parameters flowing during print
RE: CPAP blower fan?
@mrehorstdmd I'm thinking about adding heater for the part cooler to modulate the air temperature, just to explore new ideas
RE: CPAP blower fan?
@mrehorstdmd No chamber actually, struggle to print ABS or ASA
. I'm working on full enclosure. And I take the air away from the bed so, big temperature difference between part and air, good for PLA, bad for ABS/ASA.
RE: CPAP blower fan?
@clearlynotstef I use this one for a year now: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32980201709.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2fra&spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.d6a85e5btB7sTs
I use PWM Duex port to generate the 5V signal + RC filter to smooth the signal (not mandatory) .
The fan start at 17% (0% if you set up the minimum PWM in the config)
I limited the fan to 0.7 of the PWM in the config, too noisy for me above.Powerfull enought in most cases.
Just keep in mind to take "hot" air from the inside of the printer for ABS or shrinking filament, for PLA you can take "cold" air from the outside.
You can use a multiplexer if you use multiple tools:
RE: Large Format CoreXY?
@michaelr123 Nice BIG setup. For cooling you can use "CPAP" fan derivate from air assist system, work really well to blow lot of air, the blower is on the frame with a "CPAP" tubing to send the air on the carriage, light and powerfull. Look the forum for my JUBILEE system with this cooling.
RE: 5-axis 3D printer on Prusa i3
@freddiester Nice setup, what is your slicer ?
RE: Large Format CoreXY?
@michaelr123 Hi my point of view of "big" printers:
The limit for voron or other printers design is the 2020 extrusion toooooo weak.
Use a fu**king big and heavy frameis mandatory (even for small printers) use 4040 extrusion filled with resin+concrete and a lot of them.
In my presious builds I added a lot of extrusions to increase the rigidity of my frames and it was far better and the price stay low.
More extrusion could help to make and keep the frame square (with precise extrusion cuttings) and avoid twisting when you move it.
More weight -> less vibrations.
For example I modified the JUBILEE design to fit 2040 extrusion filled with steel and silicone to gain a lot of weight and reducing vibrations: https://www.lesimprimantes3d.fr/forum/topic/43356-mon-imprimante-3d-jubilee-toolchanger-protocreation/?_fromLogin=1#replyForm
With big frame you can more easily use big motors/belts/gantry/rails with less problem. -
RE: Jubilee Kits are live!
So good news
, thanks for the hard work
The printer is really good, a LOT of possibility in 1 printer.
Discord people are nice and open minded.
I love to print on mine, good print quality, fast speed and toolchanging with so many tools possibility, from the standard V6 to a supervolcano monster or milling, plotting.Folks join us !
RE: Anybody wants a stepper motor analyzer?
Someone have 2X spares ACS70331 to sell in europe ?, can't find them. Thanks
RE: Anybody wants a stepper motor analyzer?
I'm working on battery powered one. Consumtion is 220mAh so around 2H autonomy. Charge and use as the same time when USB plugged. Small Housing redesign, 1mm thicker.
Still waiting sensors from china (hard to find them in europe!)