I had read about some problems on RRF 3.2.2. As soon as I have a moment I update both of them and hopefully well.
Thanks everyone for the answers.

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RE: RRF 3.1.1 with DWC 3.2?
Latest posts made by luc
RE: RRF 3.1.1 with DWC 3.2?
I had read about some problems on RRF 3.2.2. As soon as I have a moment I update both of them and hopefully well.
Thanks everyone for the answers. -
RRF 3.1.1 with DWC 3.2?
Hi guys, I have a duet 2 wifi with 3.1.1 firmware and I use Duet Web Control 3.1.1 and I would like to know if I can install DWC 3.2 without updating the firmware to 3.2 or if I need to update both.
Thank you -
RE: Another Layer Shifting Issue
@Turbo Listen ... I don't speak English well but I presented you my experience of my case where I wrote that I also did the continuity and isolation tests several times and they were always ok but your case is perhaps different.
RE: Another Layer Shifting Issue
Hi .... it also happened to me in a previous printer, I also changed the power supply only to discover that it was a false contact in the motor cables. I changed them directly even if measuring them several times with the tester (at that moment) they were always ok.
Now, I don't know if this could also be your cause but if you think it appropriate you could try it. -
RE: Doubt due to passage from 2.05.1 to 3.1.1
@Phaedrux Ok..... Only during a failure condition....
RE: Doubt due to passage from 2.05.1 to 3.1.1
@Phaedrux Hi, maybe I say something not exact but I'm always looking for a solution by character. There is a value in the PID M307 which indicates the power of the heating phase which by default is 100%. If you decrease example to 80%, could it no longer give the warning? It might take a little longer to heat up but would you have other problems?
RE: Doubt due to passage from 2.05.1 to 3.1.1
ok ... i solved. It was because of the config.override. I sent an M500, the file updated and the "Heaters x not found" errors disappeared. It remains the "warnig Heater 1 but I should resolve with a new pid.
RE: Doubt due to passage from 2.05.1 to 3.1.1
Unfortunately I agree that I have the following errors:
5/10/2020, 08:48:48 M98 Pconfig.g
HTTP is enabled on port 80
FTP is enabled on port 21
TELNET is disabled
Warning: Heater 0 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 365C
Warning: Heater 1 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 790C
Error: Heater 2 not found
Error: Heater 4 not found
Error: Heater 5 not found
Error: Heater 6 not foundOn Heater 0 and 1 I think I understand what it is (maybe even PID to be redone) but for Heater 2-4-5 and 6 what should I check?
RE: Doubt due to passage from 2.05.1 to 3.1.1
@Phaedrux Hi, I loaded 3.1.1 and then the new config, home, etc ...... everything worked right at the first try! This is a satisfaction both for me and for you who have patiently supported me. Thank you again!
The PIDs remain to do and move the 3 Z motors but I will do it later when I have some free time.
In the meantime I ask what "Mode: FFF" means in DWC (top right)
I don't know if it was there before but I hadn't noticed. -
RE: Doubt due to passage from 2.05.1 to 3.1.1
The initial (basic) configuration with the configurator (excluding duex) was very useful for me but I find it much better to use the Gcode guide to make additions and / or changes. It is also easy.
Only the references to the duex seem to me (for my way of doing but maybe I'm wrong) a bit limited. I have yet to understand its logic.