@deckingman I mean no disrespect to you by what I'm about to say, honestly. I've found much of your blog content, posts here and YouTube videos to be interesting and informative, and on one hand I understand your frustration, it is in part of your own making.
Your printer is very advanced, easily one of the most complex CoreXY builds I certainly have ever seen, but if it being in a state is such an issue, why not simply revert back to using the Duet 2 + Duex + RRF2 where it all worked? You spend a lot of time here lambasting @dc42 and the other developers, but from your own admission, everything worked to your satisfaction with the older hardware, no?
I have seen you say multiple times on your own videos that you refuse to try beta or RC firmware, and yet complain when things don't work for you. Problems cannot be found and fixed without assistance from those who suffer from the issues. An issue which isn't reproduceable for a developer is almost impossible to fix, and I say this with a software development background.
Again, if your printer has to be working, why would you have changed from the working electronics? Why not change back to those after all of the issues? I don't understand the your mentality of "it must work the way I want it, even if there is another way that DOES work".
Maybe it's just me, but it's saddening to see the constant attacks from you towards the Duet developers I'm truly sorry if you feel I am attacking you, or your character, but I'm just sharing an opinion from an outside perspective with no bias towards either side.