also i am try to simulate same Gcode with RRF 3.5.0 rc4 in that only one gcode give the bad command error (2 time simulated and giving two different error which is attached in image)
also attached Gcode SS
also i am try to simulate same Gcode with RRF 3.5.0 rc4 in that only one gcode give the bad command error (2 time simulated and giving two different error which is attached in image)
also attached Gcode SS
I am using Duet 2 wifi with RRF 3.5.0 rc3.
sudden change in jerk and acceleration after resume APF, it's set random value which is not in config and not in gcode.
gcode in which jerk is 300 mm/sec & acceleration 500 mm/s2, when i run the power failure sequence and after resume the print there is sudden vibration in X Y axis, so i am rum M204 to check it's acceleration and the result of it is 50000 mm/s2 and jerk is 600mm/s but gcode generated on jerk 300mm/s and acceleration 500 mm/s2.
I am trying to disable wifi of Duet2 Wifi by following below on YAT terminal.
M552 S-1
M552 S0
But it's not stop and whenever power up it display Error: Wifi module reported: network scan failed.
Any Suggestions.
When I am printing anything I found 12V under-voltage event (9.5V)after 1 layer complete.
Error comes up when 2nd layer start printing.
This error repeat every time while printing.
If I left machine ON with extruder heater and bed heater ON, then I didn't get any error.
I am using Duet Main Board 6HC with 24V Meanwell SMPS and it's output is 24V I have verified.
Changed my extruder heater.
Checked all wiring and no lose connection.
Can you please give me advice how can I find root cause for this under voltage event?
@dc42 @Phaedrux @T3P3Tony Is there any way to troubleshoot this problem?
@dc42 hey,
After upgrading to the latest firmware version 3.5.0rc4, we observed improvement in print acceleration settings. However, the travel acceleration is taking random value: while print acceleration seems to be functioning correctly, travel acceleration values are fluctuating unexpectedly.
@droftarts Thanks Yesterday i am trying using paneldue but missed M588 s"*" so it's not working. Thank you once again.
David seems to be absolutely right. Thank you both of you!
When I set skew factor 0, this problem doesn't appear.
now my question is , if skew is enabled , after some printing or moves, Y position changes. On HOMEY, I see Y position as -0.6 or so. How do I set it to 0 on Yhome?
Ideally, on Homing, position should be 0, right? Please revert on this.
(note: atimes this negative value is -0.0, -0.6, -1.9 etc, on homing Y)
Thanks & Regards,