@droftarts @dc42
hey, sorry for the late reply.
I have attached an image of the wiring for the SZP with the Duet3 and its configuration.
SZP configuration in config.g
M558 K0 P11 C"120.i2c.ldc1612" F36000 T36000 ; Configure SZP as probe 1, type 11, on CAN address 120
M308 A"SZP coil" S10 Y"thermistor" P"120.temp0" ; Thermistor on SZP coil
G31 K0 Z2 Y-17 ; Define probe 1 offsets and trigger height
M558.1 K0 S1.7.
M558.2 K0 S15 R101133 ; Set drive current and reading offset
I am doing the following steps using DWC. Please check this. However, when I run G30 K0 S-1, it gives the following error:
G30 K0 S-1
Error: M300: Probe already triggered at start of probing move
DWC Commands & it's output:
G30 K0 S-1
Error: M300: Probe already triggered at start of probing move
M558.1 K0
Scanning probe coefficients [-4.805e+0, -3.410e+0, 0.000e+0, 0.000e+0]
Scanning probe coefficients [-4.805e+0, -3.410e+0, 0.000e+0, 0.000e+0], reading at trigger height 9050, RMS error 4.143mm
M558.2 K0 S-1
Calibration successful, sensor drive current is 15, offset is 135750
M558.2 K0
Sensor drive current is 15, offset is 101133
Z Probe 0: type 11, input pin 120.i2c.ldc1612, min interval 2ms, dive heights 5.0,5.0mm, probe speeds 36000,36000,36000mm/min, travel speed 36000mm/min, recovery time 0.00 sec, heaters normal, max taps 1, max diff 0.03
I have some questions:
1. Is it necessary to connect the BL-Touch the first time to calibrate the Z height?
2. I am doing tabletop testing. Is this the correct way to calibrate the SZP, or should it be done on the machine?
3. Please check my configuration and wiring of the SZP. Is it correct?
4. Could you please explain a simpler way to calibrate it? I have read the documentation, but it is quite difficult to understand.