@droftarts you wont belive what was behind my problem
So, everything is set as it should be but still the X carriage hits the rod. I start digging and eliminating probable causes. I get to the probe itself. I click home x while holding my finger near the probe - it stops upon reaching my finger and now I start to wonder - whats the difference???
As it turns out, the difference was that my finger was closer to the probe than that piece of paper.
When the probe would get to the paper, it would detect the value of about 500, when It got to my finger, the value was arround 900 and that triggered the probe well and good.
It was the bloody distance from the Z probe to the paper. For some reason, 500 was not enough for it to send the signal back home that it reached the end stop.
This is how "close" the paper was to the probe before.
Now I turned the orange x stop bar so that the longer part is up over that black thingie and now the probe stops when it detects the x stop bar.
But also makes me wonder - 500 value wasnt enough, 900 was. Does this have anything to do with the probe itself, or maybe with the firmware? or a certain config.g setting? Maybe something is telling the probe that 500 value does not mean there is an endstop, but 900 does.