When printing i need to manualy babystep ~-1mm for print to stick
Z0 has been tweaked at 0,2mm with a gauge on all 4 corners.
BLtouch Z offset from nozzle is measured at ~2mm, with a gauge block.
M558 K0 P9 C"io7.in" H5 F120 T6000 ; configure BLTouch probe via slot #0
G31 P500 X45 Y0 Z2 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M950 S0 C"io7.out" ; create servo #0 for BLtouch
M557 X0:400 Y0:400 S20
G30 at midle bed results in nothing or a Error: G30: Insufficient axes homed for bed probing and a Flashing BLtouch that is stuck and needs a printer re boot
M280 P9 S160 Does nothing.
Impossible to establish Z=0 G
When homed
G30 s-1
Stopped at height -1.080 mm
Results in
Warning: the height map has a substantial Z offset. Suggest use Z-probe to establish Z=0 G, then re-probe the mesh.
378 points probed, min error 0.690, max error 2.499, mean 1.110, deviation 0.357
Height map saved to file 0:/sys/heightmap.csv
RepRapFirmware height map file v2 generated at 2025-02-20 23:03, min error 0.690, max error 2.499, mean 1.110, deviation 0.357
0, 0, 0, 1.425, 1.253, 1.111, 0.994, 0.910, 0.879, 0.875, 0.870, 0.848, 0.896, 1.010, 1.140, 1.245, 1.410, 1.615, 1.744, 2.066, 2.222
0, 0, 0, 1.378, 1.270, 1.128, 0.983, 0.875, 0.881, 0.840, 0.839, 0.888, 0.899, 0.966, 1.078, 1.219, 1.375, 1.537, 1.766, 1.949, 2.148
0, 0, 0, 1.352, 1.204, 1.037, 0.979, 0.846, 0.860, 0.796, 0.840, 0.850, 0.916, 0.928, 1.049, 1.230, 1.356, 1.517, 1.716, 1.922, 2.119
0, 0, 0, 1.257, 1.161, 1.010, 0.967, 0.872, 0.822, 0.801, 0.834, 0.830, 0.870, 0.955, 1.046, 1.178, 1.311, 1.459, 1.686, 1.859, 2.028
0, 0, 0, 1.237, 1.125, 1.006, 0.910, 0.832, 0.804, 0.763, 0.756, 0.820, 0.884, 0.936, 1.062, 1.165, 1.280, 1.429, 1.608, 1.786, 1.970
0, 0, 0, 1.139, 1.053, 0.960, 0.851, 0.770, 0.746, 0.750, 0.731, 0.784, 0.835, 0.890, 0.975, 1.080, 1.195, 1.350, 1.479, 1.679, 1.816
0, 0, 0, 1.166, 1.026, 0.925, 0.855, 0.759, 0.767, 0.730, 0.701, 0.734, 0.773, 0.838, 0.944, 1.047, 1.136, 1.283, 1.445, 1.609, 1.780
0, 0, 0, 1.089, 1.007, 0.932, 0.822, 0.759, 0.759, 0.700, 0.721, 0.707, 0.770, 0.816, 0.870, 0.999, 1.178, 1.277, 1.378, 1.535, 1.703
0, 0, 0, 1.060, 0.971, 0.908, 0.840, 0.767, 0.734, 0.690, 0.696, 0.720, 0.770, 0.849, 0.911, 0.996, 1.108, 1.251, 1.374, 1.491, 1.671
0, 0, 0, 1.074, 0.985, 0.889, 0.845, 0.789, 0.770, 0.720, 0.729, 0.740, 0.769, 0.818, 0.892, 0.974, 1.090, 1.206, 1.384, 1.467, 1.656
0, 0, 0, 1.091, 0.977, 0.900, 0.868, 0.769, 0.770, 0.749, 0.749, 0.745, 0.760, 0.814, 0.898, 1.010, 1.086, 1.219, 1.336, 1.475, 1.620
0, 0, 0, 1.114, 1.013, 0.921, 0.858, 0.777, 0.785, 0.815, 0.756, 0.734, 0.759, 0.816, 0.894, 0.970, 1.090, 1.206, 1.334, 1.466, 1.624
0, 0, 0, 1.136, 1.062, 0.936, 0.871, 0.796, 0.850, 0.784, 0.727, 0.757, 0.769, 0.831, 0.891, 0.996, 1.076, 1.255, 1.370, 1.516, 1.634
0, 0, 0, 1.197, 1.101, 0.977, 0.932, 0.825, 0.820, 0.785, 0.754, 0.780, 0.793, 0.851, 0.925, 0.985, 1.114, 1.289, 1.414, 1.536, 1.700
0, 0, 0, 1.247, 1.078, 1.001, 0.934, 0.864, 0.810, 0.810, 0.765, 0.799, 0.819, 0.881, 0.970, 1.092, 1.130, 1.275, 1.444, 1.571, 1.760
0, 0, 0, 1.265, 1.146, 1.000, 0.967, 0.841, 0.820, 0.818, 0.781, 0.791, 0.820, 0.889, 0.954, 1.090, 1.161, 1.300, 1.475, 1.626, 1.836
0, 0, 0, 1.352, 1.158, 1.020, 0.956, 0.860, 0.812, 0.793, 0.766, 0.825, 0.868, 0.928, 0.984, 1.104, 1.274, 1.364, 1.555, 1.736, 2.017
0, 0, 0, 1.379, 1.219, 1.059, 0.953, 0.862, 0.829, 0.795, 0.797, 0.812, 0.892, 0.940, 1.039, 1.160, 1.290, 1.463, 1.600, 1.828, 1.999
0, 0, 0, 1.453, 1.267, 1.075, 0.994, 0.879, 0.831, 0.781, 0.769, 0.810, 0.944, 0.944, 1.092, 1.171, 1.406, 1.539, 1.715, 1.953, 2.189
0, 0, 0, 1.516, 1.324, 1.186, 1.054, 0.876, 0.854, 0.793, 0.786, 0.829, 0.880, 0.991, 1.080, 1.211, 1.386, 1.588, 1.838, 2.021, 2.358
0, 0, 0, 1.591, 1.381, 1.190, 1.084, 0.894, 0.841, 0.824, 0.856, 0.880, 0.922, 1.006, 1.100, 1.311, 1.506, 1.715, 1.979, 2.251, 2.499