It is a ZProbe we made ourself.
An electromagnet takes out a rod, on this rod is fixed a blade which hides or not a standard optical endstop.

Posts made by steevebecker
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
It works fine, thank you...
The last thing is the Z Probe connected to the expansion board.
Do you have an idea when it will be supported ? -
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
M308 S1 A"TC0" P"1.spi.cs0" Y"thermocouple-max31856" K"k"
Give no error but read 2000°C.
M308 S1
Sensor 1 type Thermocouple (MAX31856) using pin 1.spi.cs0, last error: sensor short to other wiring, thermocouple type K, reject 50HzYes, it is a prototype... bought in October.
Can I made the modification myself ? -
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
I'm sorry, I misspoke. Actually, I want to use 2 heaters and 2 thermocouples with the EXP3HC card.
Do you think it should work? -
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
Do you have any idea when this is going to be implemented?
(just to know if I'll have to change the TCs by Thermistors to do my tests at the beginning of the year) -
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
How... Sorry...
I thought that the limitation of the thermocouple that must be on the same card as the heater was fixed in version 3.0RC1It seems not.
It works with Thermistor but not with TC.If I setup the TC on 6HC and the heater on 6HC too, it works, DWC show the temperature.
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
Yes, I read 2000°C in DWC:
Tried that :
M308 S1 P"spi.cs0" A"TC0" Y"thermocouple-max31856" K"k"
It works!
I installed the thermocouple card on the EXP3HC (with the thermocouples wired) and ran a :
M308 S1 P"1.spi.cs0" A"TC0" Y"thermocouple-max31856" K"k"I get that :
M308 S1 :
Sensor 1 type Thermocouple (MAX31856) using pin 1.spi.cs0, last error: sensor short to other wiring, thermocouple type K, reject 50HzStrange, it is the same TC board and same wiring...
RE: Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
18/12/2019 à 21:40:15 M308 S1 P"0.spi.cs0" Y" thermocouple-max31856" K"k"
No error reported18/12/2019 à 21:41:01 M308 S1
Sensor 1 type Thermocouple (MAX31856) using pin (spi.cs0,serial3.rx), reading 37.5, last error: success, thermocouple type K, reject 50Hz -
Thermocouple issue with Duet3 6HC-3HC
I try to connect thermocouples type K on a Duet3 6HC, value read is always 2000°C.
I have one Thermocouple daughter board (V1.1) on the Duet3 6HC
The config.g is like that :
M308 S1 P"spi.cs0" Y"thermocouple-max31856" K"K"Note : same problem with the 3HC
M308 S1 P"1.spi.cs0" Y"thermocouple-max31856" K"K"
read 2000°C too.I tried 2 different Thermocouple daughter board and 3 thermocouples.
Any idea ?
PS : RRF3 3.0 rc1 on both 6HC and 3HC
How much current can we draw on io_x DUET 3
How much current can we draw on the 5V pin of a IO_x of a DUET 3 EXP3HC ?
Can I use this pin to power a RC servo that may draw 0.65A ? -
RE: Impossible to update RRF3 on a Duet3, USB port fail
Perfect, it works, the firmware is uploaded...
Thanks for your fast reply. -
Impossible to update RRF3 on a Duet3, USB port fail
Trying to update RRF3 on a Duet 3 6HC + EXP3HC.
What I do :
1 - Uploaded Duet3Firmware_EXP3HC.bin from DWC > Ok
2 - M997 B1 > OK
3 - Uploaded Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin > OK
4 - When installing Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin > error, something like : Impossible to install firmware, trying 3 times... Sorry I didn't note the exact message
5 - Trying the procedure : does not see any COM port
Windows does not see any device
The USB port is in error
Translation : USB device not recognized (device descriptor request failure)Any idea ??
RE: New RepRapFirmware config tool
@Veti I have partially the same problem
in the I/O Mapping Tab, I have added : +1 Driver for the second extruder, +1 Heater, +1 Fan
pin out everything
but then in the Tool Tab, tools there is only FAN0 available for any tool.
Fan TAB seems ok:
But then in the Tool TAB
RE: Duet 3 + RRF3 : bad M999
- Erased the firmware
- Uploaded RRF3 beta12 with Bossa
Perfect, everything works like before...
Thank you
RE: Duet 3 + RRF3 : bad M999
I connected a USB cable to the Duet.
In the device manager the Duet appears like this during the boot of Duet 3
Then the device disappears
Trying to :
- Reboot the PC (W8.1)
- Changing USB cable
- Trying one other PC (W8.1 too)
- Installing Duet drivers from Windows update > fail
- Installed Bossa > no port listed in Bossa
RE: Duet 3 + RRF3 : bad M999
The 4 bottom LEDs are lit and the one of the arrow at the top in the picture[DIAG] flashes very slightly
I turned off, waited 20sec and turned on the PI and Duet again (several times)
A little more info, during the boot:
1 - The arrow diode (DIAG) flashes normally during the boot of the Pi4 and the card
2 - Then starts flashing very weakly (at the same frequency) when the connection is established
08/11/2019, 18:50:13 Connected to
3 - Then 15-20sec after that disconnects and it reconnects!
08/11/2019, 18:50:38 Connection established 08/11/2019, 18:50:31 Warning: Controller has been reset 08/11/2019, 18:50:31 Connection interrupted, attempting to reconnect... Broken pipe
Dashboard is empty
Duet 3 + RRF3 : bad M999
I made a mistake : on the console I type "M999 S0" instead of "M997 S0" to update the firmware
From that time impossible to communicate with Duet3 ... few suggestions ?
msg:M997 S0 Error: Code has been cancelled
M115 same result ...
M115 Error: Code has been cancelled
RE: New RepRapFirmware config tool
@T3P3Tony first test works well:
My conf:
On 6HC:- X-Y-Z steppers
- endstop X-Y-Z NC/low end
- Bed heater + T°
- Chamber heater + Fan + T°
- Filament compartiment T°
- Electronic compartiment T°+ Fan
then on 3HC - 2 Extruders - 2 Fans- 2 Thermocouples
- 1 Servo
- 2 filaments presence
- IR Camera T°+ Fan
Just a Question How to add a T° sensor with out a heater ? Bed/Chamber/Nozzle Heaters are possible but can I add a sensor alone on a I/O with the RRFCT ? same for a Servo
RE: New RepRapFirmware config tool
Hey !
I missed the announcement ?? Duet 3 available on ==> RRF Cofiguration tool here : RRF Config ToolThanks for that !!!!