Vase mode?

Posts made by stephenc
RE: Temporary Effector FSR for Bed Levelling
I was playing with similar idea and have found that for FSR to be consistent you really have to slow down the speed.
Macro map to physical button
Is it possible to wire up some physical push button and assign macro to it?
Stephen -
RE: Fine tuning Z
I believe it should be subtract to increase gap between nozzle and bed
and add to decrease gap between nozzle and bed
RE: Dual printing with no purge bucket, no prime tower and no ooze shield
With 160C standby you don't need to purge anything. And browning will actually be an issue only if you standby too long such as second toolhead only start printing halfway up the print. In that case lower the standby temp to 95C
I also have a metal shim that will block the tip of the nozzle when parked. So this has been good enough to maintain the pressure.
The inactive hotend will always be above 45c in both scenario so the fan blowing the heatsink is always on for the duration of print
Stephen -
RE: 5 colour printing using a purge "bucket"
Nice machine! love the sound the machine made while traveling.
Dual printing with no purge bucket, no prime tower and no ooze shield
hey all thx for all the help I now have this thing running as I have wanted it to which is to print dual with no heat bed and no filament waste. peace
RE: "tiny" 3d printer of high quality?
I've built something small and good looking
though I wouldn't say my machine is operator friendly…
RE: Z Problem with Idex
I have a very short ptfe betwee bondtech and e3d heatsink. Turns out I had used the wrong nozzle size.. I installed 0.25mm and when slicing I set it as though it's a 0.3mm nozzle… This result in too much pressure in the ptfe and bondtech never slips so it pushes down the e3d hence giving me false thinking that the z tower on right side appear to struggle...
RE: Duet with a small printer
Here's my build
RE: Duet with a small printer
I'm in the middle of finishing up small build printer volume 118x118mm.
For small detailed print ither than obviously small nozzle, you must also have removeable bed and dual extrusion capable of PVA support
RE: Function to adjust printing temp relative printing speed
Is this similar to velocity painting method?
RE: Z Problem with Idex
Dc42 don't worry about this one. I'm 99% certain it is my build issue. I know what happened and will post solution here once I worked it out so as to close this post. Just want to give you heads up. It's the bowden tube pressure buildup pressing down the hotend…
RE: Z Problem with Idex
I didn't pause and resume the print
Agreed I also don't think what I did ( from 30 to 60) should fix the problem especially when the problem appear to happen during printing, so the active toolhead (T1) was dipping midprint. Strangely T0 actually holds its z position…
And also more strangely I don't have this Z dipping issue if I do single head printing only. Tested with both T0 and T1 and each of them successfully complete the print
There might be something happening during toolchange... I'm not sure
RE: Z Problem with Idex
here's zooming in
[update] change the I30 to I60 seems to have solved the issue. is this related to this issue?
M906 X950 U950 Y950 Z980 E800:800 I60 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent -
Z Problem with Idex
Need help please.
My 2nd extruder in mid print appear to dig into previous layer and cause shifting problem. Had to cancel the print.
RE: Calibrating Z offset for X and U carriage for IDEX
can you add the G30 S-2 write up of explanation how to use in the G30 section? I checked and it didn't have any S-2 there
Stephen -
RE: Dual printing Z height appear to refuse to advance starting layer 3
Turns out it's mechanical issue… I was pulling the belt too tight that the z leadscrew was binding...
RE: Bug ?: layer count during dual print
I was also confused with that too. In S3D when slicing dual print I noticed every toolchange means layer number change. It doesn't make sense to tie layer number with toolchange…