@dc42 Hi David. First of all, I am not sure where you see the promo. If you think your forum with 60 views on this topic is really worth it, I respectfully disagree. Anything under 1000 views can not even be ever considered promo worthy. So please, when you make such "assumptions" consider this. And if I could share a raw video on your platform, I would have gladly done so, but it didn't allow me, and the only videos I had published online which I could link, all are edited already. Didn't think it could be any concern, especially considering that I am on your second board and DUEX5 and keep suggesting your board to everyone, despite that my first one weirdly failed
But hey, thanks for a hint about reprap. I have not advertised this project anywhere at all actually, just yet. Didn't expect it to go that fast. I plan to throw it to youtube this week also. By the way TMC2660 are killers! Especially at 300mm/s speeds! This is where they especially shine!
"disguised" (facepalm) David, this is just ridiculous that you even think that was the case. I like your board, despite it being extremely overpriced, but you are extremely weird to say the least.
Since you suggested me that forum link, here is my personal advice to you is that if you keep failing to lower your prices to make them reasonable, Chinese will overtake 60-70% of all your sales in less than 2 years. It's gonna be no fun, but it's inevitable when you utilize such greedy profit model. I am in production business, and I know how much these boards cost to manufacture - $30-40. Assembling in EU is cool, but components are all still from China, except for maybe stepper drivers. With that said my first 1.2 Duet board had a horrible assembly quality, which I have never seen with China production for example. Here on this picture is what I paid $180 for, couple years ago. Now it failed, and apparently no warranty. Think of it.
Is this the level of assembly in the UK that we are paying such a premium for? I never rose this issue in a first place. I don't think I will continue suggesting your genuine boards to my auditory anymore, mainly based on your communication with me.