If you are talking about the SuperVolcano 80W heaters, I have run two of them without a problem, although I generally I only heat one of them at a time.

Posts made by Zhang Jianyu
RE: Duet wifi with 2x 80w heaters
RE: Question about configure polar printer.
In the M92 command, the Y parameter is the steps per degree of rotation of the turntable.
When you give a G1 H1 or G1 H2 command (or G1 S1/G1 S2 for older firmware versions), the Y coordinate in that command must be specified in degrees.
RE: Belt Printer support
Would it be possible to do this by defining a matrix with M669?
RE: SD extension via CONN_SD design questions
Also, here is the schematic i have made (pardon the sideways power ports):
SD extension via CONN_SD design questions
Hello all,
I want to make a SD card extension to plug into CONN_SD on Duet 2 wifi/eth, basically just extending the SPI signals 150-200mm to an SD socket.
I don't have much electronics design experience, so I have a couple basic questions if anybody knows:
Would any passive components be recommended at the SD socket when extending in this way?
Related to the Duet, would running a PanelDue via the 4-wire cable, and a separate SD extension (rather than using PanelDue SD slot) cause any trouble?
Here is a picture of what I have in mind: Imagine a cable connecting this to CONN_SD. (no SD card holder model is in KiCad so it only shows the pads and connector).
Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks!
RE: New heater tuning algorithm
The new auto-tune is working well for me on Duet 2 board. Thanks for your work on this
RE: 7.5 Amp fuse blown?
It's possible, as USB would be supplying 5V power separately. Or U3 (5V buck converter) is damaged.
You can check the fuse quite easily if you have a multimeter, simply by checking resistance or continuity across it (remove it from the holder first). If it's blown you will not get a reading. If it's good you will get 0 ohms or close to it.
RE: Tuning thermistor
SRS calc is this:
C =((1/T1-1/T2)-(Math.log(R1)- Math.log(R2))*(1/T1-1/T3)/(Math.log(R1)-Math.log(R3)))/((Math.pow(Math.log(R1),3)-Math.pow(Math.log(R2),3)) - (Math.log(R1)-Math.log(R2))*(Math.pow(Math.log(R1),3)-Math.pow(Math.log(R3),3))/(Math.log(R1)-Math.log(R3))); B =((1/T1-1/T2)-C*(Math.pow(Math.log(R1),3)-Math.pow(Math.log(R2),3)))/(Math.log(R1)-Math.log(R2)); A = 1/T1-C*(Math.log(R1))*(Math.log(R1))*(Math.log(R1))-B*Math.log(R1);
RE: Tuning thermistor
For the reciprocal I am using dot '.' as a decimal separator. Since you use comma decimal separator ',' you'll need to put that in instead.
So the corrected one for you will be
Regarding the slight difference in output, it's likely just due to the precision of the calculations on the computer.
The bit about the 1/B and β being equal is not of real practical use but I find it interesting
RE: Tuning thermistor
It takes some time to get a handle how everything fits together.
IIRC, a Steinhart-Hart C coefficient of 0 will result in a B coefficient that is the exact reciprocal of the β value. So the choice of using the same parameter names is probably just to simplify the implementation internally.
RE: Improving Build Instructions
Mine has the following path as well which contains the make.exe
C:\Program Files\GNU ARM Eclipse\Build Tools\2.6-201507152002\bin
I think the list is semi-colon delimited (the screenshot I posted had a bit scrubbed for privacy). In the end you want something looking like this:
PATH: ${ArmGccPath};C:\Program Files\GNU Arm Eclipse\......\bin
RE: Tuning thermistor
@LB What you are missing is that there are two distinct operating modes that both use a 'B' parameter.
If you are using simple Beta value calculation, the B parameter will represent the β value, in your case, 3970.
If you are using the steinhart-hart model (recommended because it is a better fit), the B parameter represents the reciprocal of the Steinhart-Hart B coefficient. In your example, 1/2.33994e-4 which is ~4273. The way you can tell this model is being used, is if you have a non-zero C parameter.
Unfortunately the way the information is displayed on the config tool does not make this distinction clear.
RE: Cnc and 3d printer on the same machine ?
Duet 3 can reconfigure on the fly, so you should be able to define a button or macro to run which would reconfigure the machine for different operating modes.
You should be able to control without a raspberry pi, either over USB which provides a basic serial interface to send g-code, or over Ethernet which would provide the duet web control interface.
RE: Improving Build Instructions
Right click the project, click Properties,
Go to C++ Build -> Environment.
There should be PATH variable visible here as well, double check that everything is the same as the system path. You should see the 'C:\program files\arm....' and 'C:\program files\GNU...' here as well.
RE: PID parameters and small MCU/thermistor temperature oscillations
@akstrfn said in PID parameters and small MCU/thermistor temperature oscillations:
I've also noticed a potential buildup between duet ground and mains earth when using PSU (but not when using USB) by shorting the bed ground output to earth which makes the bed LED next to MOSFET light up.
This is normal because the bed power is switched on the negative side. By shorting negative to earth, you are bypassing the mosfet switch and leaving the bed in a permanent on state.
RE: emergency stop
Is it possible the emergency stop command is resetting the buzzer output signal as well?
To test this, you could try to insert a delay before the emergency stop to see if the buzzer works (for a short time) and then stops, something like:
M42 P5 S1 ; activate buzzer G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds M400 ; wait for buffered commands to execute (maybe does nothing?) M112 ; e-stop
RE: emergency stop
Trigger 1 is already reserved for a print pause trigger, so you could try renaming your file to trigger2.g and reconfiguring the trigger to use T2.
If you are calling other macro files with
command, I think it will only look in the /sys/ folder. To get around this, you could move all your macros to /sys/, or use the full path like so in your script:M98 P"0:/macros/mymacro.g"
RE: Heater fault and PS_ON signal.
You would need to configure a
heater protection instance to trigger a power shutdown. Something like this:M143 H1 P1 S300 A3 ; Set heater 1 monitor 1 to trigger printer shutdown if temp exceeds 300C
see https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M143_in_RRF_3_01RC2_and_later
RE: Power control for duet 3
Crydom and Schneider Electric are both reliable brands. I would add that amazon has a big counterfeit product problem as well.
RE: duet 2 wifi is really loud
The Duet 2 WiFi does not support stealthchop because it uses TMC2660 drivers which don't provide said feature. That being said, there are tuning methods to reduce the sound level: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Reducing_Stand-Still_Noise
Not sure if these apply when running (rather than at standstill) but it might be worth a shot.